THEOPNEUSTOS GOD BREATHED SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST 2014 TITLE: FILL IN THE GAP MESSAGE BY PASTOR FAVOUR 1 JOHN 3:8B “THE REASON THE SON OF GOD APPEARED WAS TO DESTROY THE DEVIL’S WORK.” Everyone was born for a purpose, you were born to bring a solution and until you begin to fulfill the purpose for your existence, a gap stays unfilled. Anyone who will not fill the gap they are ordained to fill in life will end up like a gap, incomplete and unfulfilled as can be. No wonder it was said that death is not the worst tragedy of a man’s life but a life lived without fulfilling purpose. What can be emptier than a man or woman who dies without releasing all the treasures God puts in them for the benefit of their family and the world at large, especially those you are designed to reach. Imagine what could have happened to the Israelites if Moses did not show up. How far could they have gone if Joshua did not fill in the gap after Moses was gone? How about David, if he did not fill in the gap to rescue his people from Goliath? That brings me to the point that to fill in the gap that exists in your world, sometimes you might need to take some risk. You will have to confront some challenges. Jesus did confront challenges to rescue mankind from the bondage of sin, sickness and death. Don’t ever be in a place and let people suffer and lament over a problem you can solve. David did not wait to be appointed; he just volunteered himself to bring Goliath down. You don’t have to wait either. “To whom much is given, much is expected.” God knows what he invested in you and he expects you to live up to his expectation. Complete your world, without you something is missing. Do what no other person is willing to do. PRAYER AND DECLARATION I AM A SOLUTION PROVIDER. I WILL NOT DENY MY WORLD OF ALL THAT I CAN GIVE. I MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE IN. AMEN. WORDS ON MARBLE BECOME TOO RELEVANT TO BE IGNORED OR FORGOTTEN…FAVOUR CHARLES
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 07:48:34 +0000

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