THEOPNEUSTOS GOD BREATHED THURSDAY, JANUARY 23RD 2014 TITLE: HOW TO SUSTAIN YOUR JOY MESSAGE BY PASTOR CHARLES JOHN 16:22 “AND YE NOW THEREFORE HAVE SORROW: BUT I WILL SEE YOU AGAIN, AND YOUR HEART SHALL REJOICE, AND YOUR JOY NO MAN TAKETH FROM YOU.” Our joy is sustained when our mind is stayed on God, when we stand for Christ boldly; unshaken by the pressures of life. Never paying attention to the things that brings fear and uncertainty. “rejoice in the lord and again I say rejoice.” To be joyful is to rejoice in the lord. By always thinking positive our joy is sustained. Another way to live a life of consistent joy is not to live a self centered life. Don’t expect everybody to do something for you while you care less about what to do for others. Let your soul expand, let your heart reach out to others in loving and generous warmth, and your joy will be great and everlasting. Another means is to maintain the spirit of harmony in any team you find yourself. When we are of like mind, having the same love, being in one accord with other believers, it will help us immensely in sustaining our joy because we find that we are able to express and experience joy. Worshipping God with our life guarantees joy and confessing to others that Jesus is lord. You can also experience joy when you do all things without complaining and arguing. Real joy also comes when you hold on to the truth of God’s word. Follow only godly examples. Paul was a great example of someone with joy in the means of adversity. Remember let nothing steal your joy in this year 2014. Only with joy shall a man draw water from the well of salvation. PRAYER AND DECLARATION I DECLARE THAT NOTHING AND NO ONE CAN TAKE AWAY THIS JOY I HAVE. I SPREAD JOY NOT DEPRESSION. AMEN WORDS ON MARBLE THE JOY OF THE LORD STRENGHTENS A MAN INSPITE OF ALL…FAVOURCHARLES
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 00:06:11 +0000

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