THEOPNEUSTOS “GOD BREATHED” WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24TH 2014 TITLE: I WANT TO BE YOUR WORD MESSAGE BY PASTOR FAVOUR 2 CORINTHIANS 3:2 “the only letter of recommendation we need is you yourselves. Your lives are a letter written in our hearts; everyone can read it and recognize our good work among you” Jesus is the word of God. He died for your sake, so that He can live through you. When a man yields to God, he becomes Gods word, a written epistle. And when you become God’s word, people think you are weird. When they hear you speak, some may pity you, some will be angry at you and some will conclude that you are just talking, they say it is not possible for anyone to do so and so, they will say you are living a fake life and mockery of all sorts. For instance, a woman who has understood submission speaks about submission and you will see women, (Christian women) argue that what is she talking about is not submission but slavery. It is important that everyone yield to God. Allow the Holy Spirit to take over your spirit, soul and body. At first it may not seem easy, it’s a process anyway, but when you continue against all odds, before long you will find that area of your life conforming to the word so easily. You will see that you have become the word in that area. If it is anger, as you keep allowing the word of God control your emotions each time anger swells up in you, before you know it, it will seem like ‘suddenly’ to all who use to know you as an angry man or woman. People begin to be surprised that your actions are now different from what you used to be known for- an angry person has suddenly become tolerant, understanding, patient and loving, it may even surprise you too. You have become the word of God. PRAYER AND DECLARATION GOD, LET YOUR WORD BE MADE FLESH IN ME. THE WORD OF GOD IS GAINING ENTRANCE INTO MY SPIRIT AND IT IS CONTROLLING MY EMOTIONS AND MY BODY. I DIE DAILY, CHRIST BEGIN TO LIVE THROUGH ME. WORDS ON MARBLE DON’T JUST HEAR THE WORD, DON’T JUST DO THE WORD, BECOME THE WORD…FAVOUR CHARLES
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 06:30:46 +0000

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