THERE ARE SOME PEOPLE WHO WANT TO MAKE US THIN THAT TO BE AFRICAN IS TO BE NON-ABSTRACT! That is, not to think CONCEPTUALLY, ABSTRACTLY, ANALYTICALLY, CRITICALLY, LOGICALLY, SEQUENTIALLY, LINEARLY! They tell us that is a European way of thinking...THATS PATHETIC! It goes against our history and experience. I THINK ITS A DANGEROUS APPROACH! Do not throw the baby out with the wash water. Because the chief characteristics of Europeans who currently rule the world maybe that they tend to be objective, analytic, conceptual, abstract, rational, etc., you cannot assume that because bad people may use these things that to use these things yourself is bad. WEVE TO SEPARATE THE METHODOLOGY FROM THE PEOPLE WHO USE THEM! We have to recognize then that ANY FORM OF THINKING—whether liner, abstract, conceptual, theoretical, etc.—IS THINKING THAT BELONGS TO AFRICAN PEOPLE! Its made and AFRICANIZED for African people when we use the thought to advance African interests. ITS NOT THE STYLE OF THOUGHT THATS AFRICAN OR NON-AFRICAN, ITS THE USE TO WHICH THE THOUGHT IS PUT! If the European use abstract, conceptual and other thinking to capture and control African people, it doesnt mean that we cannot use abstract, conceptual and other thinking to remove their control over us as a people. But this is what they would like for us to think: that the most powerful tools that they use are not tools that are for use by African people.When we fall for that kinda mythology, we literally then submit to being ruled over as a people by Europeans and others. The African brain has two sides to it the same way every other peoples brain has: A LEFT SIDE & A RIGHT SIDE! If the right side is the side of spirituality, feelings, sensuality, the intuitive and holistic side and so forth, we also have a left side though. This is the side that uses language as its key instrument for dealing with the world; the side that objectifies the world, breaks it down into its various parts, its functions and relations. The side that deals with the world in terms of logic, thought, mathematics, principles, hypothesis and other things of this nature. THIS IS JUST AS MUCH AFRICAN AS IS THE RIGHT SIDE! I dont understand how people can talk about Africans being right sided as an intrinsic characteristic when we talk about the precision of the pyramids, the mathematics of Egypt and so forth, which clearly demonstrates left brain orientations of thought. The other thing we must recognize, then, is that the race that is going to ultimately come out on top is the race that learns to use both sides of its head. One that knows how to use them proportionately and interactively as a way of SOLVING PROBLEMS! We have races and nations on this earth which tend to be one-sided in their thinking: filled with religion, spirit and so on (and that is fine), but technologically backwards and are often ruled over and abused by those whore technologically advanced. Theyre robbed, exploited and degraded: DESPITE THEIR SPIRITUALITY, SENSUALITY, FEELINGS, MUSIC, LOVE, ETC...OTHERS USE & ABUSE THEM AND TAKE THEIR WEALTH! – Dr. Amos Wilson
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 18:10:09 +0000

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