~THERE ARE SOME THINGS WE JUST NEED TO KNOW and UNDERSTAND as TEACHERS of THE HOLY SCRIPTURES~ In James 3:1, it reads: My brethren, be not many masters (teachers), knowing that we shall receive the greater or stricter condemnation or judgment. In other words; when you claim that God has entrusted the teaching of the Holy Scriptures to you, you need to understand the consequences behind that claim. Today I would like to share some clarity on the little word in which if not understood, can cause a lot of error in truly understanding how to teach, The Word of or from God. The word in can be misleading, if you do not understand its meaning in each context. The word in found in many passages of scripture means, (in union, harmony,unity or agreement with). So, when scripture speaks of abiding in it means, abiding, remaining or continuing in union, harmony, unity or agreement with, who or whatever. Lets look at (Acts 17:28): In Him we live, and move and have our being. More clearly it reads: In union, etc. with Him, we live, move and possess our being, since who we are, came out of Him, we were not activated, to be free moral agents until He blew His breath in us. We are His offspring because He is our Creator. We are the children of God, through Christ who redeemed us and The Holy Spirit who (re-gened) us. Spiritually, we have the DNA of our Father, The Eternal One and to continue in oneness with Him is maintained in our obedience and walking in His footsteps. We do not live, we dont move or exist without God, our Father. (Jn.17:3-4) says: And THIS, is eternal life: to KNOW You, (The Father), the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. How do you KNOW? In Jn.8:31, it reads: Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on Him; IF you CONTINUE in (in union with) my word, THEN are you my disciples (children in training) indeed or TRULY. And you shall KNOW the truth and The Truth shall MAKE you free (from sin). So if you dont KNOW God, you dont KNOW life and if you dont Possess the life that Jesus Christ gives, you are in the world without God, your True Father.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 15:18:04 +0000

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