THERE IS A FRIEND THAT STICKS CLOSER THAN A BROTHER! 2 SAMUEL 15-19 talks about some friends that walked into David’s life at just the moment he needed them. You see, the Bible says, “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother,” PROVERBS 18:24. In the verses we will study today we will see this passage come to life. In the friends who came to David’s aid in his time of need, we can see what real friends ought to be and we can see a picture of the ultimate Friend, the Lord Jesus Christ. I want to take our time today and preach on the thought Closer Than A Brother. Allow me to point out the kinds of friends David had in his life. DAVID HAD HEARTFELT FRIENDS 2 SAMUEL. 15:18-22 –ITTAI THE GITTIE It seems that this Ittai is the commander of a group of 600 men that came to Israel from Gath to follow David, v. 18. Gath, as you may know, is in the land of the Philistines. It was also the home of Goliath. You might also remember that David spend some time living in Philistia when he was on the run from King Saul, 1 SAMUEL. 27-30. Apparently, David made an impression on Ittai and the rest of these men. Now that David is on the run again, Ittai expresses his desire to be with David. Ittai is a person who has been in the background. This is the first time his name is mentioned. But, when the chips were down in David’s life, Ittai steps up and demonstrates the depths of his life for the exiled king. In fact, he pledges his absolute allegiance to David, even if it means death for Ittai, v. 21. That is a true friend! I can’t think of many friends like Ittai in my life, but I am glad that I have a Friend Who sticks closer than brother. One Who said He would never walk out on me, HEBREWS. 13:5. One who tells me He loves me regardless of my current condition, JEREMIAH. 31:3. I have a Friend who cares for me when I am up and runs to my side when I am down. Jesus is a true Friend! DAVID HAD HUMBLE FRIENDS 2 SAMUEL. 15:23-28 – Zadok and Abiathar Zadok and Abiathar were priests. They were men of God who loved David and wanted to follow him. When he fled from Absalom, they followed David bringing with them the Ark of the Covenant. David, however, sends them back to Jerusalem, placing his trust in the power of God to deliver him, v. 25-26. David tells them that they can best serve him by being his eyes in the city. Then, without comment, the two priests turn around and carry the Ark back into the city. By returning to Jerusalem and agreeing to act as spies for David, these men took a great risk! They put their very lives on the line for their friend. These two demonstrate one of the great marks of a true friend. A genuine friend will love you and accept you, even when he does not understand you or agree with you. A real friend will stand by you regardless of the risks involved. They will stick out their necks for you. They will be there when others turn and walk away! A genuine friend might even get hurt in the process of taking your side. But, no matter when you look, you will find them standing firm, in your corner! That is a real friend! If you have a friend like that, then God has greatly blessed your life. I am glad to report to you that the saints have such a Friend in Jesus! He loves us so much that even when we were His enemies, He gave His life on the cross to save our souls. He even called us His friends when were acting like His enemies, JOHN 15:13. He is a Friend Who loves us like we are, even when we are unlovable. He loves though we often act foolishly toward Him. He loves us even though we do not deserve His love. He is a faithful Friend!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 19:21:01 +0000

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