THERE IS A MORAL TO THIS STORY Today was interesting....I went - TopicsExpress


THERE IS A MORAL TO THIS STORY Today was interesting....I went to court with nothing not sure what I was going to ask for. A month ago I was granted a summons for Vicki (Alienated Granddaughters mother), and it was to be served by the sheriff. I went to the court registry and filled out everything I needed to be filled out so it could be served on her. Then I find out the Friday before court the sheriff has said they have no record of receiving the summons. At this point I have to wait until Monday. At the very end of the day Monday Im told the sheriff came in and brought an affidavit saying she did not answer the door so he left a card on the door!!! This might seem reasonable enough but typically someone who is getting a summons is someone who is not following the law!! Do you really think she is going to pick up the phone and call!! I felt defeated and didnt know what I was going to do about it. I went to court today without my folder. In my head i was going to just ask for an extension and see if I could have a process server serve her the summons. While Im waiting for the judge to come in Im trying not to get nervous. I always shake like crazy and sometimes I have to close my eyes and pray to calm down. The judge who walked in was a female judge who presided over one of our Family Case Conferences where Vicki made lies about my older granddaughter hitting her sister and thats why she didnt want unsupervised visits (she was the supervisor just so you know). Anyway my son lost it and told her she was an evil evil person to lie like that. My older granddaughter is the most gentle person I know with a kind soul. The judge never said anything to him and I couldnt help but wonder if she new something was up. Well, Im thinking about this while Im sitting there and this elderly lady got called up and she was by herself. Im thinking shes gotta be a grandma and sure enough she is. She made her own application like I did. The first time Ive seen a grandparent do what Ive done. Anyway she was requesting a whole weekend once a month with the three grandchildren and she got it. Just like that!! Never seen anything like it. So then its my turn. I told my circumstance, whats been happening and my concerns with the summons. I didnt ask for anything. I saw her thinking and then she says Im going to issue a summons which can be posted on the door if she doesnt answer. She is going to allow me to also serve her via email as that is the only address for service I have. We meet again in three weeks. It may be small but it is a victory for now. Today was a day I needed to help me fell like I should continue on. In saying that there is a moral...I think it, if it is feasible, is important for grandparents to make their own applications to the court. For a couple of reasons... 1. Grandparents are not a threat to the parenthood of the alienating parent and can be seen as separate from the parents from the judges perspective. 2. Judges are sympathetic to grandparents and dont see them as a threat 3. And most important...grandparents can keep the fire alive in the child about the love of the alienated parent. I think anyone can make an application to the court be it grandparents, aunts uncles etc....and another one and another one and another would think over time the alienating parent would get tired of going to court BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY THAT CHILD WOULD KNOW THEY ARE LOVED...MAYBE NOT RIGHT AWAY BUT EVENTUALLY....THEY WILL KNOW WHAT IT WAS ALL FOR! Just a thought for today...Love you Skye xoxo
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 05:54:45 +0000

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