THERE IS NEVER AN EXCUSE FOR VIOLENCE AGAINST THE POLICE! REALLY?!? Posted by Jaja Azikiwe on August 18, 2014 at 12:51pm in STOP UNFAIR CONGRESSIONAL PENSIONS on YAHS ELECT NETWORK. “There is never an excuse for violence against police... Never has there been a United States president who has faced more troubling issues and matters than President Barack Obama to include ABSOLUTE INSANE RACISM against him, which filters down to Blacks and Hispanics across the country. He has had to walk a very thin tight rope of political correctness which will never be appreciated by his political deterrents and those whos racism simply hates the idea of a black man being in the White House. And he will have to continue to walk that tight rope until after the 2016 elections. He has had to say things that I am sure he does not fully support, but when he said, “There is never an excuse for violence against police... he has truly miss-spoken. THE POLICE ARE MURDERERS, LIARS, PURGERERS, THIEVES AND CROOKS; *EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM, (*there is no such thing as a good cop because so-called good cops dont report bad cops) and there are and has been plenty or times when violence against them is more than justified. Isnt that how this country was founded? When authorities violate human rights with violence and corruption are we not, as Americans and human beings supposed to fight back by any means necessary? I know you have had to bend over backwards Mr. President to satisfy as many as possible, many of whom will never be satisfied by anything you do. In fact this very comment will no doubt draw some of the most racist, insane comments imaginable, but the reality is WE HAVE A RIGHT AND RESPONSIBILTY TO FIGHT TYRANNY wherever and whomever it may arise and from. THIS INCLUDES THE POLICE! IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO FIGHT BACK WITH GUNS BE SURE TO KEEP YOUR VIDEO CAMERAS CLOSE BY!
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 20:18:33 +0000

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