THERE IS NOTHING ILLEGAL ABOUT TOPVEIN There is nothing illegal - TopicsExpress


THERE IS NOTHING ILLEGAL ABOUT TOPVEIN There is nothing illegal about Topvein whatsoever. It is a fact that Topvein is a clinically tested herbal medicine used in the treatment and cure of HIV -1 subtype B and C so prevalent in the Southern African region and has assumed the status of first choice among all the herbal medicines used throughout the world that it is currently present in ten countries and used by thousands of HIV positive people and AIDS sufferers throughout the world. Topvein is a traditional medicine made in Zambia and its present in Zimbabwe, Botswana, Angola, Nigeria, South Africa and the USA. It is an open secret that the Zambian Government tested this herbal medicine through The Ministry of Health and National AIDS Council of Zambia in 2006. The NEPAD through SANBio of Pretoria in South Africa also did their own tests with the same conclusion that Topvein works. So then what is this noise about Topvein but only in Zimbabwe? Topvein met all the objectives of the Observatory Clinical Study by the National AIDS Council which included evaluating Safety and Efficacy as well as Physical and Clinical status of HIV positive clients. Topvein met both the safety and Efficacy Standards of the clinical study as designed by National AIDS Council beating all the rest to produce 99% of good medical test results in the trial period. Further, the official report indicates that: clinical (physical) status of patients showed: 1. Increase in body weight 2. Increase in appetite 3. No opportunistic infections such as meningitis, TB STI and diarrhea 4. Increase in CD4 cell count by 99% 5. Viral load reduction 6. There was no toxicity which can be attributed to Topvein 7. Liver function tests were normal 8. Kidney function tests were normal 9. Biochemistry of the blood e.g. hemoglobin was normal 10. There were no deaths recorded Topvein is effective against all opportunistic infections and 35 diseases due to HIV-1 subtype B and subtype C which is largely found in the sub Saharan region and also HIV-2. Topvein has no side effects in both humans and animals and has never shown any known side effects when tested in children and pregnant women. Topvein naturally regenerates white cells both CD4 and CD8 cells which make up the immune system the body uses to fight off diseases. It repairs all the damaged cells in all the vital organs and gets rid of all the toxins and heavy elements out of your system for your well-being. It reduces the viral load to undetectable (zero) levels and out of your system which is a sure confirmation the infections are actually killed. In many taking Topvein, a negative HIV lab test result is achieved in about 12 months. This medicine is not a synthetic or pharmaceutical drug like ARV’s which are required to be registered under Pharmaceuticals Regulatory Authorities established in every country such as Zimbabwe. It is an herbal medicine developed by a traditional medical doctor in Zambia from the trees dotted all over the country. These trees make a huge dwelling forest for lions in places such as Hwange National Park all way down to Bulawayo. Anybody can easily walk through the bush and pluck some for their own personal use. It is as simple as that and this has been our way of survival as Africans since the history of man a traditional way of life which also resonates with a parliamentary health committee report of 2010, that states that more than 80 percent of Zimbabweans use traditional medicine for healing purposes. In Zimbabwe, this herbal medicine or traditional medicine is not regulated under the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ) but under the law governing ZINATHA, an association to which I’ am a bonafide member registered in Bulawayo and was both a personal friend and scholastic advisor of Professor Gordon Chavanduka who served as the President. There is nothing illegal about Topvein. Infact, throughout the world, herbal medicines are not regulated under the law of pharmaceuticals such as MCAZ and there is a shape distinction between the two. We are talking about a traditional medicine here a premise of ZINATHA. Therefore, I for one or any member of the Topvein International Group have not broken any law of any land as we are operating within the law governing traditional medicines in Zimbabwe. We are an organization trading in an herbal or traditional medicine. Secondly, Topvein has clinically and scientifically been tested for both safety and efficacy with published reports revealing that Topvein is very safe, nontoxic, and very effective against HIV and AIDS by The Ministry of health of Zambia through the National AIDS Council in Zambia, China, and South Africa. The legal status of herbal medicines in Zimbabwe is that the Minister of Health presides over both allopathic and traditional health sectors since independence in 1980. In 1981, two significant statutes on the practice of traditional medicine were enacted. The comprehensive scope of these acts provides a sharp contrast to the general legalization on the practice of traditional medicine adopted in other jurisdictions. The Natural Therapists Act of 1981 (78) regulates the organization and registration of natural therapists, a term that includes homeopaths, naturopaths, and osteopaths. It is an offence for an unregistered person to engage in the practice of these professions for gain or to claim to be a registered natural therapist. Licensing legislation regulates the educational standards and practice of chiropractic (81). The Traditional Medical Practitioners Council Act of 1981 (79) is one of the most comprehensive pieces of legislation on the practice of traditional medicine that has been enacted anywhere in the world. Under the terms of the Act, the practice of traditional medicine includes every act the object of which is to treat, identify, analyze, or diagnose, without the application of operative surgery, any illness of the body or mind by traditional methods. The Traditional Medical Practitioners Council Act recognizes ZINATHA as the association for traditional medicine practitioners in Zimbabwe (80). This legislation also created the Traditional Medical Practitioners Council. The objectives of the Traditional Medical Practitioners Council are to supervise the control and practice of traditional medical practitioners, promote the practice of traditional medical practitioners, foster research into traditional medical practice, develop knowledge of traditional medical practice, hold inquiries for the purpose of the Traditional Medical Practitioners Council Act, and make grants or loans to associations or persons where the Council considers this necessary or desirable for, or incidental to, the attainment of the purposes of the Council. Other than these laws supporting the formation of ZINATHA, unlike Zambia, Tanzania and South Africa, Zimbabwe has lagged behind in the advancement of herbal medicines. Take for instance, in Tanzania; the Dar es Salaam-based Institute of Traditional Medicine in 2006 had a successful project to test the efficacy of traditional medicine in helping the severity of other illnesses often seen in HIV patients. In Zambia, the government conducted clinical trials on three herbal medicines which included Topvein. In South Africa, traditional medicines are now available in capsules, tincture, and tablets. This is in line with modern trends and in line with others such as Chinese Traditional Medicine, Arabic and Indian. To Purchase Topvein please visit iamtopvein
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 14:17:10 +0000

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