THERE IS RECORD FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO UNDER THE SUN. It is quite true! There is nothing new under the sun according to the Word of God. “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; There is nothing new under the sun! Is there anything of which one can say, “Look! This is something new? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time.” Ecclesiastes 1. Solomon is recorded as a brilliant man of great spiritual wisdom who became King of Israel! He also built the first grandest majestic Temple that was ever constructed to worship the Lord in. It was built in Jerusalem on Mt. Moriah using the finest quality furnishings and materials. Solomon had everything that anyone could ever want or ever imagine and more! He denied himself nothing and indulged himself in a host of pleasures. He had wealth, riches, honor, prestige, power, affluent status as well as God’s favor. He is recorded in the Word to be the richest man that ever lived; or will live! What more could one possibly ask for? Yet he discovered that it was all meaningless especially when you are not right with God! It is in the latter days of his life when he recorded the practical wisdom that we find in Ecclesiastes! One might find it a bit disconcerting, pessimistic and or negative because it exudes such an abrasive uncompromising Truth! Solomon wants to get our attention as he shouts to us vociferously that life without God is futile! In actuality he is not trying to discourage us but to get us back on track! To point us to the straight and Narrow Path that leads to the Lord! He ardently and passionately encourages us to first seek happiness in the Lord rather than people, places or things! Disillusionment, despair, disappointment and chaos are the foreboding ominous consequences when we place anything above God! Seeking God first will result with an invaluable, priceless, abiding tranquil inner peace that is only found in Him! Whatever is going on about us is in this world is temporal. It will only last for but a few moments in the summation totality of time! Life in actuality is quite diminutively short on this side of heaven. What is of the utmost importance is where each of us will spend eternity! Time is of the essence, Solomon warns us to commit to our Creator now rather than later! Quintessentially there is nothing more important than time! The Scriptures record what has been and what will be! Everything that is happening now has happened before and will happen again... History continually repeats itself! At some point life as we know it will all come to an end. It is at that time we all will have to stand before God the Father our Creator. We are living in some interesting times. Unexpected tragedy laden climatic weather conditions, a profuse abundance of heinous crimes being committed daily throughout the world as well as foreign and domestic terrorism steadily on the rise. Diseases, sickness and famines of all sorts abound worldwide! Our United States of Americas government was even forced to SHUT DOWN after Presisent Obama and Congresss reached a major impasse and were unable to come to an agreement! LORD HELP US! Morality has been pushed aside and relationships of all sorts begin to emerge. Liberal worldly principles are being embraced and encouraged! Marriage between a man and a woman is no longer considered sacred by many. Marriage now has alternative options... We have been here before! So Please dont blame God! Notice how there is an undisclosed movement towards trying to establish a new normal! There is an unstated subtle attempt to desensitize us towards extinguishing traditional morality. One must only flip a switch and tune in to the television or their hand held hi-tech gadget of choice momentarily to see what’s happening! Throughout the Word of God we can see how devastated the people as well as the land became due to immorality and disobedience. A proliferation of food shortages and famines began to abound! A once productive and fruitful land region abruptly interrupted by drought resulting in scarcity, starvation and barrenness! Life becomes futile and desolate when we ignore God’s principles time after time. Lord help us! God has always had a solution for past, present and future problems. There is always hope in the Lord! Each day is a precious GIFT from the Lord! Absolutely NO one but GOD can make a day! There is no greater power, principality or authority, nor will there ever be. God is infinitely Supreme! He is Omnisicient, Omnipotent
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 08:50:32 +0000

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