THESE LIES MUST STOP: ABOUT US: (PART 1) Christians are - TopicsExpress


THESE LIES MUST STOP: ABOUT US: (PART 1) Christians are supposed to be salt and light. When Christians live as God dictates, we become the restraining power on evil thus creating an aura that produces positive transformation, including economic growth, improved quality of life and a growing middle class. If a nation has a large base of Christians, that nation should experience these positive developments. The exception is if the church is not following God’s standards. God describes such a church as salt that is “good for nothing”. Matt 5:13 You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then GOOD FOR NOTHING…” Please note that this Christian base need not be an absolute majority. All that God needed to save Sodom and Gomorrah were 10 faithful souls but He found only 3. We are pained that the situation of Nigeria is a disgrace to the gospel. A nation with such a mushrooming of churches and Christians should not be experiencing the kind of corruption, moral decadence, poverty and suffering prevalent in Nigeria. Nigeria, the 6th largest producer of oil, endowed with a massive population, a huge diaspora resource, and blessed with top talent in different spheres is in such a sorry state: 1. 54% live on less than N6,000 monthly, the internationally accepted definition of the poverty line. This is worse than almost 70% of Sub-Saharan African countries including Togo (28%), Ethiopia (31%) and Uganda (38%)!; (World Bank’s World Development Report 2013); 2. Life expectancy of 52 years is 33rd in Sub-Saharan Africa; (World Bank’s World Development Report 2013); 3. Lagos is the 3rd most difficult city to live in the entire globe; (Pocket World In Figures 2013 Edition, International Economist); 4. “1.2 billion people live in destitution out of which 100 million are Nigerians”: Marie Francoise Marie-Nelly – World Bank Country Director for Nigeria; The Punch, Wednesday 13 November 2013; Page 32; and 5. We have a reputation as one of the most corrupt countries in the world. What makes this even worse and unacceptable are our Christian credentials. This country hosts the largest monthly prayer vigil in the world, and also hosts the largest indoor church auditorium on the planet. The two or three truly global organisations of Nigerian origin are churches. In terms of global reach, these Nigerian churches are ahead of the biggest Nigerian banks. Things would have been different if the church in Nigeria is living the truth. But we have been deceived into the error of exercising faith without faithfulness, seeking God without turning from our wicked ways, and equating gain with godliness. For the land to be healed, for the risk of missing the rapture to be minimized and for God to be glorified, the church needs to forsake lies and rediscover truth. Based on the scripture and glaring evidence of how the Nigerian church is living, and further affirmed in the place of prayerful contemplation, we have concluded that the situation of Nigeria is chiefly due to the unrighteous state of the church. 2 Chron 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. KJV; 2 Chron 7:14 (“These Lies Must Stop Translation”) Nigerian Christians are quite good at fasting, praying and seeking to prosper. But it pains my heart that much as they pray, fast and seek to prosper, majority of my children in Nigeria are suffering and living in poverty. The reason is that they have conformed to the evil behavior and customs of their country, particularly bribery and corruption. If a sufficient number of Nigerian Christians resolutely resolve to shun this vice, and stop paying or giving bribes, I will heal their land. My transformed children will make their government’s transformation agenda a possibility and a reality. Then both my children and many other Nigerians will enjoy the riches and greatness I have destined for Nigeria. More worrying is the fact that our fathers and leaders in the church seem to be going on as though all is well. We are continuing with the same things that landed us where we are. We call conferences on laughter when the need is for tears of repentance; building even larger edifices when the existing ones are populated by Christians of uncertain eternal address. Motivation is popular instead of reproof and correction. By God’s Help, we have identified several lies accepted by the church in Nigeria. If the church forsakes these lies and accepts the truth, not only will the church be restored, Nigeria will experience transformation and speedily achieve its destiny as the point of reference for the African race, demonstrating that the Negro is not inferior to any other. John 8:32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. The Mission of These Lies Must Stop (TLMS) is to uproot the lies and misconceptions being perpetuated in our current day church, by boldly standing up for the truth of the gospel! Our prayer and hope is that by uprooting these lies, the ancient landmarks of Christianity in Nigeria shall be restored; God’s holy standard lifted up; and kingdom builders nurtured. Just as immorality defined Sodom, corruption defines Nigeria. The current situation where bribery and corruption is hardly ever mentioned on most pulpits despite its pervasiveness is not God’s will. God holds the church responsible for leading the transformation of Nigeria from a corrupt to an ethical nation. These Lies Must Stop is a wake-up call to every Christian (us inclusive) and to every Nigerian, to shun evil and corrupt practices, to repent and go back to God, then pray for God’s healing. Next year 2014, every 3rd Sunday of the month, These Lies Must Stop will host an Ambassador of Integrity at an INTEGRITY NETWORK program to demonstrate that it is possible to live ethically, responsibly and prosperously in Nigeria. We will strive to also stream the programs live. Watch out for details. Feel free to send any suggestions for this program to chuxdotcom@yahoo. We urge all followers of Facebook and Twitter to enlist in God’s army by joining this INTEGRITY NETWORK to kill corruption and push for the realization of Nigeria’s destiny. Watch out for the details. POSER: If habitual giving and taking of bribes will disqualify from making heaven, will you make it? PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I desire to please you. Help me to overcome this plague of bribery and corruption in Jesus name. God make me a part of your army of integrity to fulfill Nigeria’s destiny in Jesus name. Make me ready for your return and strip me of anything that can lead me to eternal damnation in Jesus name, Amen.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 22:13:47 +0000

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