THESE REPORTS CHANNELLED FROM THE SIRIAN OBSERVERS THROUGH SHELDON NIDLE STILL PROVIDE AN ACCURATE OVERVIEW OF WHATS HAPPENING ON THE GROUND UP TO TUESDAY MARCH 04, 2014. New events around the world occur rapidly and there are constant changes and developments which affect the entire global community. To keep up to date requires 24/7 monitoring and exchange of information by dedicated teams. Most reports and videos by journalists are often outdated by the time they are viewed and many contain individual interpretation, speculation, inaccuracies and fear sensationalism. Not to mention the amount of cabal disinformation that appears daily. You have to use and develop your discernment ability and feel if the information resonates with you or not. Many of the ground crew have developed their telepathic skills over time and are able to communicate with the guys upstairs and co-workers to confirm any important info. So communication has been the key to the success of this Earth mission.> Because the channelled messages carry embedded information which may be picked up by some and missed by others, everyone will receive it quite differently. What is important now is that more people, from all walks of life become informed of all the positive changes happening and wondrous possibilities in store for everyone. Unity consciousness and global consciousness is the realization that a One United Human Race is where real Power lies. All are equally important; non are greater or lesser and there must be no man-made boundaries as before.>An important request from an important source has gone out to all who are called to enlighten others [The Communicators] in whatever way, to simplify what you have learnt so that the majority is reached and can grasp what is being revealed for the good of all. Avoid the legal jargon which is unintelligible and meaningless to the important majority, who now possess the power key to UNITY. In simple explanations and metaphors create an aware of how the 99% has been deceived and controlled by the 1% elite for a very long time. The Government mind controllers as a corrupt international business pretending to be a servant of the people but has been stealing all the wealth of the people through the fake money system. How debt is used to enslave everyone. How diseases are created to sell fake medicine by the big drug corporations. Genocide and depopulation. False loans, insurance policies and many other money scams. Education as a brainwashing tool. Who is the dark cabal/Illuminati? Who are the Dark Powers and who are The Light Forces, etc.,etc. Even the so-called educated have to be re-educated because they have undergone more institutionalized brainwashing than the uneducated masses. So an enormous amount of information needs to reach the masses in order to enlighten, unite, awaken and empower the 99%. Until the Mentors arrive to teach and the formal Announcements are broadcast, it is the task of the people to enlighten each other. And that is happening now and the awakening has expanded faster than expected. --------------------->>> To add clarity to the statements in this message well post it in two parts and add comments occasionally to explain what it means. Sheldan Nidle - March 4, 2014 10 Etznab, 1 Ceh, 10 Caban Selamat Bratzo! (Sirian for Be in Satisfaction) We return now with some news. The RV issue continues to move forward as a number of new currencies are ready to be issued and exchanged. This is yet another sign that the power of the dark cabal is waning. On another front, approval was obtained on the final wordings of the new international banking regulations.[ B: For the program to have successfully reached this point a lot of work was carried out behind the scenes and all the attempts by the cabal to prevent it from materializing had to be overcome. They had tried every dirty trick to block it.] These new rules are to lead to investigations that will permit governments to break up the illegal large banking institutions that created global fraud in the post-World War II period (1945-2013). Their greed-based manipulations and resultant cover-ups were the true cause of the numerous wars fought during this time period. [B: The global banking fraud had gone on for 68 years.] Presently, a broad-based coalition of governments and well-placed individuals are legally proving the cause of this fraud and providing the needed evidence for arrests and many banking breakups. [B: Until now they were protected by their corrupt justice system and their system of government.] This will accelerate as new governance emerges and the prosperity programs start to be rolled out. However, this series of actions is only just a start. [ B:The prosperity program is an on-going one and involves more than wealth distribution. New systems and new technologies are to be introduced.] The global jubilee that accompanies the rise of new governance will sweep away both old and new personal debt and prepare the way for prosperity to become the norm. This redistribution of wealth will join with formerly suppressed technologies and provide a means for you to repair the many grievous invasions of your living world. [B: Think about this: So much energy and sacrifice has gone into ending the debt system and making the Global Jubilee a reality so that everyones debt is cancelled unconditionally. Poverty and lack comes to an end. Surely good news like this will give the people renewed hope for a better future. Why do governments avoid releasing this positive information to the people, who are growing more despondent, angry and fearful of what they see and hear every day? Because the governments have always controlled the people through fear and dependence on their rule. The prosperity program will automatically empower the people and end their fear and dependence on a bunch of incompetent and spineless tyrants. That terrifies them, so they keep the public misinformed.] These actions will also transform your air and provide a means to clean up your polluted oceans and continents. You can then come together and truly develop what peace and global cooperation can provide. [B: The 99% will unite as One Global Family.] In the wake of all this is the matter of disclosure. [B: DISCLOSURE The world governments were given more than enough time to disclose all that they have been hiding. The Galactic Federation, The Earth Keeper Council and Council of Elders had ordered them to disclose, which up to now they had delayed for fear of having to confess all their crimes to the people. As a result, the ground crew, on behalf of the people, authorized the Galactic Federation to proceed immediately with the process of Disclosure. This is happening now!] We are to give you even more reasons to cooperate and start to tear down those issues that have long divided you. The coming lessons of your Ascended Masters can give further examples for the importance of these various actions. Together, you are a team that can easily solve the many immediate problems that face you as a United People. You can then truly appreciate the past wonders of Lemuria and Atlantis. [B: As you will learn shortly, Lemuria and Atlantis forms a major part of Human history, which the dark cabal/Illuminati cleverly concealed over the centuries for fear that people would begin to remember who and what they truly are and reclaim their sovereignty and power.] Atlantis had at her core a number of beliefs that were ultimately to lead to her demise some 13 millennia ago. Nonetheless, there is some good amid all this darkness. You are children of both ancient societies and you are shortly to reunite with those who survived the destruction of Atlantis and learn many things that you do not presently comprehend. In addition, you will learn from the wisdom collected by Agartha. [B: The survivors of Atlantis chose to leave the war-ravaged surface Earth and migrated to the Inner Earth and Hollow Earth regions called Agartha. A 5th Dimension paradise where they still live to this day. They are the other half of the Human population, who are ready to reunite with the surface population.] These interactions will give you a grand sense of your history and will be added to the wondrous lessons that will be taught by your Ascended Masters. [B: The Ascended Masters are the enlightened beings who had lived on 3D Earth and ascended to higher dimensions. They have returned to serve humanity and share their knowledge to uplift all who wish to ascend to higher dimensions.] We will also add our own wisdom to this mix. Use what you discover to synthesize your own galactic society. With this in hand, you can then go forth and carefully plan an agenda once you complete your transformation into full consciousness. [B: Compare this to the transformation or metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a magnificent butterfly.] This new solar system star nation will have a great number of responsibilities. You are to help ensure the galactic peace and accelerate the move of this Milky Way galaxy into Light! [B: Earth is to become the 33rd member of the Galactic Federation of Light. The collective experiences of humanity in the lower, dense 3rd dimension is what qualifies them to play a leading role in the advancement of other civilizations.] What is now taking place in your realm is a swift transition that will cast out the dark and permit you to form a global operation that moves this reality into the Light! This project was decreed by Heaven and carried out by the various Sisterhoods and Brotherhoods of Light assigned to this precious world. Each of them has, in their own way, combined to bring forth programs that encouraged many to move bravely and confront the dark. We have aided them by securing means for their various actions to lead to networking that is taking down the dark and its numerous minions. [B: The covert operation involving the co-operation of millions of ground crew, supported by intelligence from the aerial fleets of countless ships surrounding Earth.] The many secret societies and ancient families of both East and West have further provided the resources to ensure the overall success of these various interconnected activities. Presently, these events are forming and are ready to manifest. In the immediate time, you are to see actions that are both to astound you and give a deep inner joy regarding how this world of yours is changing for the better! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Part 2 to follow. The original and full message can be read here: GalacticChannelings
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 08:34:11 +0000

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