THESE WERE ALLEGATIONS BY BNYL TO MR SINYINDA. We have every right to challenge and Probe our Leaders especially where we see Double Dealings – BNYL Press Release - 31st January 2014, As Barotseland National League, we wish to contend that since the actions of our Leaders in the struggle for independence of our nation Barotseland do affect us in a very big and sometimes personal way, where not only are we arrested severally, but also that death has occurred, we have cause and every right to challenge and probe our leaders’ conduct, more so when we sense double dealings and suspicious fraternizing with our very enemy and colonizer Zambia. And this we will continue to do across the board regardless of who these irresponsible and careless leaders may be to avoid any further needless loss of both time and life. Recently, such actions which have caused us great concern emerged when we intercepted confidential correspondence written by one of our leaders, Hon. Sinyinda W, leader of the Barotse Freedom Alliance BNFA, in which correspondence he was thanking our captors and tormentors, Zambia, through the prison services commandant Percy Chato, for what he termed as good care whilst in Mwembeshi maximum prison. Naturally, this shocked us, as the truth about the stay of some and many of our colleagues in detention, without trial, was no where near pleasurable. At the very least Mr. Sinyinda should have condemned Zambia for the senseless arrests of innocent Barotse nationals, but instead Zambia got his praises. To start with, many of our colleagues were never accorded trial, and yet they were severely tortured physically, mentally and treated like common criminals, with their families subjected to un told misery, at the end of it all only to be released from three months senseless detention without compensation. So what good care is Mr. Sinyinda talking about? As can be seen from the letter, Mr. Sinyinda undertakes to thank the Zambian prison commissioner for the nice time they all, 84 in total, had in prison? Our Contention: 1. At which point did Mr. Sinyinda consult us and many of our colleagues who suffered in Zambian jails for him to come up with that sweeping thank you letter, assuring our captor that our stay in their horrible prisons were pleasurable? 2. If his, Mr. Sinyindas, incarceration was pleasurable, it may be because he had a constant supply of fresh and good food with refrigeration facilities, and this we know he did. It is very wrong for him to thank the commissioners on our behalf as such similar facilities were never accorded to us, and many of our colleagues were never accorded the same pleasure. We, therefore, wish to assume that his time in Zambian prisons was just a relaxing picnic 3. Why did he chose to send the letter confidentially rather than sending it openly so that the families of all those who were tortured and persecuted in Zambian jails can appreciate how well their poor sons and husbands, as the case may be, were kept while in prison? This would have been the honest thing to do if he believed that prison care was good. We suspect that this was a safe stand for him, pleasing his Zambian masters secretly betraying his Lozi sons and daughters. Kabemba mucha habeli is correct term for such treachery. 4. We consider this very irresponsible and insulting to our intelligence. He should just have thanked his Zambian friends for taken good care of him in his personal capacity without poring contempt on our very last dignity 5. Noting this we felt so grossly offended that we now need to challenge and probe him to give us honest answers to these and many other of our questions Secondly, while in prison, Mr. Sinyinda forbade our comrades from singing their Barotseland National anthem. He further scolded those that chose to fearlessly denounce their Zambian citizenship, because they now know that they are not Zambians but Barotseland nationals. As a youth liberation movement we found that abhorring for a man of Mr. Sinyinda’s stature to do. Remembering that it was he, in his tenure as Ngambela, the one that was tasked with the responsibility of chairing the March BNC 2012 council that resolved to declare independence from Zambia. It was he who read out the unanimous resolutions of the people of Barotseland as they put forth in clear terms their aspirations for Self-Rule? So what had changed now? Our Questions: 1. Does Mr. Sinyinda think that the people of Barotseland are jokers? If he and his BNFA are, let him know that we in the Barotseland National Youth league, and many others, take matters of Barotseland Independence very seriously. Our people have lost both time and life over this quest for self-rule, and therefore, we will not allow the careless irresponsible and selfish egotism of the very few privileged individuals, masquerading as saviors of Barotseland to slow us down or try to veer us our from our common target of independence. We have infant taken note of these wolves in sheep skins, and so far our discovery is that their every action is clearly aimed at frustrating the common aspirations of our good and patient people of Barotseland. 2. How can he, Mr. Sinyinda, not allow fellow combatants in this peaceful struggle for independence, express their freedom even by through singing of their national anthem in the face of the oppressor? To us it proves that Mr. Sinyinda is not decided on what he wants. He is just an opportunist who still delights in double dealing, a double agent or Kabemba much habeli (one who eats from both sides of the enemy divide) 3. We saw the gallant men and women of Linyungandambo persuasion face our tormentor Zambia right in their face to fearlessly declare that they are not afraid to denounce Zambia right in their courts of authority, declaring that they belonged to another free state of Barotseland, while he, Sinyinda played good boy to the colonizers appealing for quick release as a good citizen of Zambia that had done no crime, through his team of Zambian lawyers using archaic Zambian treason laws. All he needed to do, in our view, was simply offer leadership and agree with the other Barotseland nationals who to us are the real heroes that deserved the Heroes welcome that was wasted on Mr. Sinyinda on his return from Lusaka after prison release. 4. We want and demand to know once and for all whether Mr. Sinyinda and his BNFA are really in the struggle for total independence? 5. Our challenge to them is; can they be clear to all Barotseland on what they stand for? Is it Total Independence or is it Federation or is it Restoration of the nullified BA64 that they really want Barotseland to achieve? 6. Although we are an independent movement our hearts have inclined to support the Afumba led road map, as it appears clear on where they intend to lead Barotseland. There intentions for Barotseland are very clearly put in Black and White, as it were, so much that we have no choice but to be won over to their road map, and we will do anything and everything within our youthful power to attain independence for Barotseland through that road map. 7. To the contrary, however, Mr. Sinyinda is on public record saying that he does not believe in Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI). Again this confuses us. What are his exact intentions for Barotseland? Why is his BNFA road map to Barotseland so hazy? Why is he so full of inconsistencies? Why cant he clearly put his road map in Black and White so that those that see the vision will run with it? Does he really have a plan, vision or road map for Barotseland at all or is he just trying to copy and paste what Afumba Mombotwa and his team have already done? 8. We are aware that when he was Ngambela of Barotseland he was espoused by the Afumba Mombotwa government in waiting to be the Lord Chancellor of Barotseland, a position second only to the Litunga, King, in conformity with the Barotseland transitional constitution endorsed by over 20,000 people in signatures? 9. We also understand that he refused that role in preference to being a Politician because he believes that is where real power is? 10. Why did his BNFA not want to be part of or work with and support the Afumba led transitional government which has already shown such great promise? Why did these key leaders in the BNFA refuse to be named in the transitional Cabinet, but chose rather to call Hon Afumba a ‘Lunatic’ who was endangering their lives? Or did they fear that announcing them on a the cabinet of Barotseland government would expose and unmask their double dealing since some of them are still members of some political parties in Zambia, just in case the Barotseland independence dream did not materialize? Why would a freedom fighter be afraid to take up public leadership role and so be named publicly so that the Barotse and international public may know what to expect of them? Is it not that they did not want to be exposed as double agents, therefore, endangering them from their Zambian government sponsors. Thirdly, when we wrote to challenge our BNFA leader, Mr. Sinyinda, probing him of what we have found out about him through a letter, in stead of him putting up a reasonable defense or clarification, what do we see next? Arrests of our Four BNYL Officials! Obviously, it was he, Mr. Sinyinda, who called his Zambian Bull Dogs on us, resulting in the arrest of Mr. Boris Muziba Muziba, our Deputy Chairman General, Mr. Nayoto Mwenda, our Secretary General, Sikwibele Wasilota, our National Coordinator, and Mr. Mubuta The question that begs for answers though is, WHAT BUSINESS DOES MR. SINYINDA STILL HAVE WITH ZAMBIA POLICE, to the extent that he can command them to arrest Barotse nationals, in their own country, and a country which he claims to have liberated from the same wicked Zambian regime? Can Mr. Sinyinda tell us and the public by answering clearly this other simple question; Does the presence of Zambia security personnel around his house and every where he goes mean he is under house arrest or are they not in fact there for his personal security? If he is under house arrest why has he not condemned or complained publicly about that clear injustice inflicted upon him by Zambia? We are sure that our colleagues at Barotsepost and other friendly media globally would have been mobilized to draw attention to his arrest until he was free? However, he does not seem bothered! To the contrary, he now seems to be using the same police and Zambian state agents to hunt down other Barotseland nationals considered enemy-cal to him and his secret causes Conclusion: We are, therefore, here by compelled to publicly challenge and probe our BNFA Leader, Mr. Sinyinda, to come out in the open, and defend or clarify the following matters that have also emerged recently: 1. Does he really stand for Barotseland independence or is he instead working on a PLANC which might see him emerge as Vice president of the Unitary State of Zambia, whatever that means, under current Zambian dictator Michael Sata? Can Mr. Sinyinda deny whether or not he has been approached by Lusaka to steer Barotseland back to a federated or Unitary State of Zambia with him as Vice president? 2. We understand that Mr. Sinyinda still has some un-finished business with the government of Zambia involving some K200,000.00 public money alleged to have been misappropriated by him while he served in the Zambian government as CDF (Constituency Development Fund). Can he deny that in fact this is the black mail that Lusaka throws at him now and again for him to do their every whim, making him Zambias perfect stooge? 3. If PLAN C is a fictitious work of our youthful imaginations can Mr. Sinyinda then publicly renounce his Zambian citizenship? We know and appreciate the fact that logistics are still been put in place by the transitional government to formalize Barotseland citizenship, however, we expect our leaders to show leadership by their actions and declarations. We in the BNYL would gladly sponsor a public radio forum on either Radio Barotseland or indeed any other channel that would agree where both he and Afumba Mombotwa would connect together and for once boldly declare together that they are Barotseland citizens and not Zambians? Let them reassure our nation that they are indeed true to their call for leadership of a free and independent Barotseland. 4. Can Mr. Sinyinda and his BNFA leadership tell us exactly what their main agenda and road map to independence is, if it is different from that which has already been laid down by the Afumba Mombotwa led transitional government, as we have no time or need for cheap imitations and duplications of ideals. 5. If in fact their agenda and road map are the same, can Mr. Sinyinda and his BNFA work together with the Afumba led transitional government, adding and perfecting what has already shown great promise? We are sure that their efforts together will be for the common good of Barotseland - that is if they really stand for Barotseland. We understand the BNFA was intended to be the mother body of all liberation movements in Barotseland, a concept we find misleading because a new baby born can not claim to be a mother to her own mother. If it was unity we sought to achieve we could have achieved it without placing an unfair demand that others discard their working program that has shown and achieved so much already, and claim the new to be better only because now top leadership positions will be held by the people we prefere, when in fact there is nothing we have put down to show how this new program is better. 6. Who is Mr. Sinyinda afraid of and why, that he has to have Zambian state agents by his every side? Does he fear his own Barotse people or is this part of the plan, in the scheme of things, fearing that his next move of taking back Barotseland to Zambia might not go too well, and so they figured he would need that protection? Finally, as Barotseland National Youth League, we believe that we have every right to challenge and probe all our leaders, so that we don’t die as useful idiots. Those that don’t want to be probed should not aspire for public office. Days of Blind followers are all over. Maybe they should try such style of leadership somewhere else, but definitely not in Barotseland. Tukongote, Litunga Nilyetu! Source: Barotse post
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 20:01:06 +0000

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