THEY CONTINUED STEADFASTLY The Holy Ghost filled Church in the - TopicsExpress


THEY CONTINUED STEADFASTLY The Holy Ghost filled Church in the book of Acts is our example. We must be restored and come back to that Church in everything including their faith and works. The true Church today must resemble exactly this Church in everything. “And they continued steadfastly in the Apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.” Acts 2:42 Let’s briefly look at “They continued steadfastly.” 1. THEY This is referring to the true body of Yahshua, the Church or believers in Yahshua that had the true Spirit of God. Those that do not have the Spirit of Yahshua are none of His according to Romans 8:9. So, They, is referring to the Holy Ghost filled believers that repented truly and were baptized in the Name of the Lord Yahshua Messiyah. Acts 2:38; 19:1-5 They have the law of God written upon the fleshly tablets of their hearts by the Spirit of God. Hebrews 8:10 These were people through whom the Spirit of God was manifesting its power and fruits. They never sold the Word of God for self gain. They never advanced their own glory. They never rejected God’s commandments and law. 2. CONTINUED To continue is to go on doing something without stopping. It also means to remain in. “Quench not the Spirit.” I Thessalonians 5:19 If they never continued in the Word and faith, they would quench the Spirit of God; they would have run out of the Spirit or the living waters or the oil of the Spirit. Then the Spirit would have been quenched, and they would have remained without the Spirit, and dead in works. The five virgins of Matthew 25 never continued in the faith and Word, and thus they remained with no oil in their lamps. Therefore, they were rejected. They carried the Word without the Spirit. 3. STEADFASTLY To be steadfast is to be firm and not changing. It is also to be constant. There is need for a steadfast loyalty to God’s Word no matter what. We must remain steadfast in our faith in the Lord Yahshua Messiyah as our Lord and Savior, as well as the coming Judge. We should be firm and not be moved by every wind of false doctrine. A wind comes with force and so does a false doctrine. It is forceful. True doctrine convicts. No matter how forceful a false doctrine is, we should remain steadfast in the true Word of God. We must be firmly rooted and grounded in the true foundation. It is wrong to remain steadfast in false doctrines, in wrong beliefs and in wrong doing. Some remain steadfast in wrong things no matter how much you preach to them. Continue ye steadfastly in the things of the Spirit of God! We must be also steadfast in our resisting the Devil. I Peter 5:8-9 Let’s again read Acts 2:42 to see the things in which the Church in the book of Acts continued steadfastly. They continued steadfastly in: (i) The Apostles’ doctrine. The Apostles’ doctrine was the Word of God, Genesis to Revelation, as purely inspired by the Holy Ghost. All inspired Scripture was their doctrine. Read II Timothy 3:16, Matthew 28:19-20 & Mark 16:15-18. (ii) Fellowship This is fellowship in the true Word and faith in the Lord YaHshua. It is fellowship of true believers. It is fellowship in the light i.e. light with light. It is not fellowship of light with darkness. We should not be in the assembly of the wicked but of the righteous. In believers’ fellowship, there is edification, encouragement, correction and growth as the various spiritual gifts are in operation. Where two or three believers are gathered in the name of Yahshua Messiyah, Yahshua’s divine and life-giving presence is in their midst. We should continue gathering in the precious name of the Lord Yahshua. Read Matthew 18:20, Hebrews 10:25 & I John 1:7. (iii) Breaking of Bread When believers break bread together there is a togetherness that comes. They become one i.e. of one soul and heart. Breaking of bread together is of divine origin. Breaking bread together breaks boundaries, and is an ice breaker. A relationship is enhanced and improved. It is difficult for enemies to break bread together. But when they do, something begins happening step by step towards oneness. Of course, there must be continuity in order to reach a certain level of oneness. A one occasion is just a step. It is for this reason that we are not permitted to eat on one table with a brother that does not repent of fornication. “But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such a one no not to eat.” I Corinthians 5:11 Read Acts 2:46; 4:31; 20:7, 11. (iv) Prayers We are commanded to pray without ceasing. We cannot be victorious if we neglect to commune with our heavenly Father. We have to pray for believers, ministry of the Lord Yahshua, families, leaders, etc. He who asks receives. Our prayers must be full of faith. Prayer must be our life. The Church in the book of Acts was a praying Church. There are a lot of things that we should present before God instead of complaining and murmuring. Read Matthew 7:7-12. When the Church continued steadfastly in the above four activities the following were the results: (a) And fear came upon every soul. Acts 2:43 (b) All that believed were together. Acts 2:44 (c) They were of one heart and of one soul. Acts 4:32 (d) They had all things in common. Acts 2:44 (e) They sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. Acts 4:34-35 (f) Did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart. Acts 2:46 (g) They had favor with all the people. Acts 2:47 (h) The Lord added to the Church daily such as should be saved. Acts 2:47 (i) Many wonders and signs were done by the Apostles. Amen!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 09:54:19 +0000

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