THEY SAY! DONT LET THE PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT THIS, BECAUSE THEN WE WOULD HAVE PROBLEMS... PROBLEMS, they say? The-Powers-That-Be are a group of sociopaths that cannot see beyond their own noses of greed, and in their haste to gather all of the worlds monetary value and control, they have brought this on, with NO IDEA ON HOW TO CONTROL OR STOP IT! THEY HAVE OPENED THE PROVERBIAL PANDORAS BOX AND NOW DONT KNOW HOW TO CONTAIN OR STOP THE APOCALYPSE THEY HAVE CREATED. So what do we do now? I dont know, and even the worlds nuclear scientists dont know. What should have been done was not, and that would have been to take over Japan when this first occured, and employ every nuclear scientist together into a think-tank, to attempt to solve it. At this point in time, if the UN did this now, it would be like trying to close the barn door AFTER the livestock has already escaped. Its too late!!! They would have us believe that the vastness of our oceans and atmosphere will dilute the radiation; THIS IS NOT TRUE! Radiation DOES NOT DILUTE; IT ACCUMULATES AND BUILDS! And it is being created and released non-stop into the worlds air, and oceans, and has been since March 11th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the heavy water, THERE COULD BE A MASSIVE UNDERGROUND HYDROGEN EXPLOSION; SO MASSIVE THAT IT WOULD LITERALLY RANSACK THE PLANET! BUT AGAIN, THEY ARE NOT SURE, REALLY, WHAT WILL HAPPEN WHEN THIS OCCURES. On August 12th, 2013, Yoichi Shimatsu: veteran environmental reporter for the Japan Times, warned of the worse case scenario on how the corium reaching the heavy water within the earths water table could lead to a massive explosion, saying, ...and more ominous, the possibility of a tritium-deuterium fusion reaction that triggers a plutonium blast more powerful than the 2011 explosion at reactor 3... He went on to say, The serial nuclear blasts could blow the ground into the sky, momentarily lifting the Fukushima reactors. Then everything will come crashing down into the gaping pit, ending any hopes of quelling the meltdowns. Needless to say, the nuclear workers and local population would be killed by the blast wave or the lethal emissions. The release of vast amounts of radiation would force the evacuation of nuclear plants in operation across Japan, resulting in dozens more meltdowns. Civilization will become untenable, as hundreds of millions of casualties mount. [worldwide] This is probably a best-case scenario, since the downward blast force could have more dire consequences. Shimatsu went further, saying that an E.L.E. [Extinction Level Event] scenario could develop if this radioactive mess is not cleared up and FAST! [but NO-ONE KNOWS HOW TO CLEAR THIS UP...] He said, An explosion like that, with that much fuel down there, triggered by tritium -heavy water- would send a shockwave through the rock in all directions, but especially downward. That shockwave could theoretically, as it drives as far as the earths mantle, through solid crust... and form basically a spike. A spike that would go like a nail that would drive right down into the more liquid part of the mantle. He said the repercussions of such an event would mean ...the end of the Earth as a living thing...
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 22:57:20 +0000

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