THEY THINK WE DONT KNOW ANYTHING - A Sufi story. In order to - TopicsExpress


THEY THINK WE DONT KNOW ANYTHING - A Sufi story. In order to understand this story I need to tell you first about Lübeck. Lübeck is a medium-sized town in Germany, about 60 Kms north of Hamburg. I lived in Lübeck for more than 16 years. About four years ago I moved to Syke, a tiny quiet town in Lower Saxony. It is about 300 Kms south of Lübeck. So Lübeck is where it all began for us here in Germany. A dear friend of mine, is the proprietor of a centre of Taoist learning, simply the called Tao Zentrum. He very kindly makes his premises available to us when need them. He is also one of the longer-standing members of our group here. In another part of the same building I used have my medical practice. When I quit, about four years ago, the vacant space was re-rented and is now a Mosque. So you need to picture a three storied commercial building, the upper level being a centre of Taoist learning, and the two floors below are now a Mosque. Entrance to both premises is gained via one main entrance doorway. I find it a bit ironic that when I moved out, a mosque moved in. But actually relations between both are excellant, there are never any problems. But when we were there, there was no mosque. We used meet as often a twice a week to practice meditation, Zikr and Sufi Teaching. Sometimes we were loud, sometimes silent. There was no problem with this. These days we rarely meet in Lübeck, instead we meet in Hamburg, which is conventiently positioned between Syke, where I live, and Lübeck. But for me Lübeck is still home. Secondly, to help understand this story, I need to introduce you to one of our younger members. Her name is Saskia, she is six years old. Shaykh Taner met her last year, when she was only four. You can see her if you squint at the little video Ive uploaded. She is in the right hand side, near the rear. So now to the story proper. Last Thursday, July 24. Lübeck, Germany. Laylat al-Qadr. The Night of Power. (perhaps better translated as The Night of Empowerment.) Very hot, temperature nearly 40 degrees. So we met as we used to do, and began. Windows wide open, to keep it cooler. People from the mosque below began to gather, and a few were outside drinking coffee. We were dimly aware of their activities, because the walls are not at all thick. And so we began. No resources, just went for it. In the past months, Allah in his mercy has added a new member to our group, who is also licensed by her own Shaykh to teach Zikr. So she was able to help us with pronunciation. I asked her for the correct way to say Laylat al-Qadr and then we all repeated it 101 times. Then straight into Bismillah ir rahmani rahhim. 101 times Then we repeated Sura Iklas 70 times. Then I tried to explain what the night of power is, what it means to a Muslim. Because I am not a muslim, that is laughable, but Id completely forgotten about the mosque below. It was like old times again. I had to speak from memory, and the process is better conducted by Allah Himself. I simply stood back and let it go.Then we repeated Sura al-Fatiha 301 times, and then I explained how Fatiha is a Master Key to the entire Quran, and how it can be used to overcome the sins of Cain and achieve Allahs mercy. This is easy for me, Ive experienced it and know. But by now Id completely forgotten about the mosque below. They could hear us just as easily as we could hear them. I was dimly aware of silence, I simply thought theyd finished for the day and that was it. And then we just repeated Ilkas over and over and over again, because we know it by heart. Nearly three hours had passed, and then we sat in silent meditation for half an hour. After a short while the voices from the mosque below began to manifest. Business as usual, so I thought. It was now 21 hours (9pm), we needed a break. There is place which we called the sinners corner, it is for people like myself who are addicted to cigarettes. The smokers corner. Saskia was tired. I said to her Lets go for a walk. We went downstairs and on the landing between the two floors, just outside the entranceway to the mosque, stood a very elegantlly dressed gentleman, obvously an important person. An Iman. So you now need to picture this scene. Myself, looking like a motor mechanic who had just finished work for the day and hadnt yet had time to wash up, a little six year old girl, and a very important Iman. Just the three of us. This is a paraphrase of the conversation we had (it was in German, so only the salient points are translated here). Him: Excuse me, but couldnt help but overhear you. Mevlevi? Me: Qadiri Him, a bit confused I can recognise a Mevlevi Zikr when hear one. May I ask, just who you are? Me: We are the Qadiri-Rifai-Ansari Tariqa for Germany. Him: Oh. and trying to hide his confusion. I have studied Quran my entire life, more than 80 years. I have never ever heard it explained the way you just did Me, starting to get alarmed, and thinking Oh shit, what I have done this time? Saskia: Steve just speaks from his own experience. Him: Young lady, I dont know who you are, but tonight you have taught me my job. It is so obvious when you look at it as you have just described. May Allah bless you. Saskia: He already has. Without Allahs Love we would all be dead within three days. Him: Three and a half, actually. But that is secret teaching, where did you get it.? Saskia: There is no place to get it. There is no place where Allah is not. Him: Indeed Saskia: stamping her foot in frustration Thats trouble with grown-ups. They never ask their children. THEY THINK WE DONT KNOW ANYTHING! End......
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 11:05:39 +0000

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