THICK CLOUDS CANNOT PLUCK OUT BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAINS FROM THIER PLACE. THEY CAN ONLY HOVER OVER! So, in my vast flying experience, yesterdays trip was the MOST TURBULENT EVER! I literally got so scared I asked my Hubby Joe Nyamwange to pray for me! My palms became sweaty for the first time in my life, and I tried to hide my head between my knees. Prior to this, I had been reading a book, by Debbonnaire Montgomery Kovacs entitled, Gardens of the Soul and my eyes were right on this verse quoted in the book, For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12. The frequent disappearing of planes didnt help my mind either. My imagination ran ahead of me, even as in my frail attempt I repeated Isaiah 55:12 and trusted in the Lord. God knew where I was, and gave me a word-picture verse that I could relate to right where I was! Isnt He intimate? The pilot had BEFORE TAKE OFF, forewarned that the seat belt sign would remain on for a long time due to bad weather. I kind of ignored him and asked God to take away the turbulence. Hah! Not always does God answer us in exactly the way we expect for we know not what is BEST for us. However, ALWAYS- God warns us in our lives and circumstances and has given us the Bible for guidance. He has urged us to stay put and remain belted with truth to protect us from the bad weather of Satans insinuations. If we heed not His instructions, we will bear the discomfort. The pilot said that due to the bad weather, our eyes would not be able to see the tops of Mount Kilimanjaro and Mt. Meru, covered in thick clouds. I had been looking forward to this, as the handiwork of God has never ceased to amaze my soul! Did the thickness of the cloud destroy the mountains? Did bad weather remove them from whence they are grounded? No. Gods promises for us sometimes remain invisible to our eyes due to the bad weather of our circumstances. We stop envisioning His purposes and start to see our plans. We try to help God, to nothingness. We want to jump out of the plane of His guidance, thinking we will be safer. But He understands the depths and the heights of our challenges and says, remain seated, I know where I am taking you. Could I have succeeded in helping the pilot take away the turbulence? Like the face of God, I couldnt see the pilots face, but I believed there was someone at the cockpit in control. I trusted that we would get to our destination and that at least this pilot had undergone some training to be able to do this job. HOW OLD IS GOD? DOES HE NEED MY HELP? Yes, but only that I be available in His presence. From thence He can assign me my tasks and I must perform them with total obedience. Does this bad weather remove the reality of the promises given to us? No. He is the God who warns us of trouble ahead, of turbulence in life, but He asks us to stay on our seat, to be still and know that God moves. Should the bad weather of uncertainty pluck out our seed of faith from its roots? Never. Are we called to jump out of the plane of life when turbulence becomes unbearable? Not at all. Be still and know that God moves. Pray and let Him answer according to His will, for this is for your best interest. Let not fear paralyze you and captivate your imagination to begin to think of the worst that could happen when on flight with the Best Pilot....Jesus...who needs no computer programming because by His Word alone He created all these. Know that God reigns, and He knows where He is taking you. Do not jump out when fear engulfs you. Sit still and you will hear Him shout out gently to you just the promise you need for the situation you are in. Look out through the skies of your journey and know that there is only One who holds the worlds in His hands, and if so, His grip of you at the center of His palm remains unshaken. A friend of mine recently told me that if aero planes were designed to avoid turbulence, they would easily get damaged. If you and I were designed to avoid lifes challenges, we would not grow. Trials are here to make us joyful. Sounds awful? It is awe-filled truth. Fasten seat belt. The last flight, the best ever, is just about taking off!!!!! Be still and know that God moves! ~Beryl Joe.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 06:42:41 +0000

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