THINGS I AM GRATEFUL FOR PT.1: 1. First of all I’d like to - TopicsExpress


THINGS I AM GRATEFUL FOR PT.1: 1. First of all I’d like to start stating my gratitude for my……. HEALTH, mental and physical. I am 22 years old and I’m healthy and strong and hey! Still ALIVE AND KICKING! I am soooo grateful I get to see the beautiful sky in the morning, smell the flowers, hear the birds, taste all the foods out there, walk, swim, talk and sing! So yeah I’m grateful for still being able to enjoy this life which we all know is not eternal (I do believe in recantation and other lives though ) 2. I am oh so so so so so grateful for my super amazing parents. If I started writing on how wonderful they are I’d make a book out of it. They are both loving, inspirational, beautiful people who have cultured me in the best way possible and with their healthy/alternative lifestyle made me into a strong young woman. Thank you D’ and Mum for: being raw vegan food eaters when I was a child and preventing me from eating crap, for introducing me to the arts and making me appreciate them, for showing me healing ones psyche comes from love and personal growth and most of all thank you…THANK YOU for teaching me the only way of living a happy life is through forgiving and looking forward! Thank you for giving me life! Thank you for your love, your support, thank you for being you. 3. Universe, goddesses and gods, mum and dad thank you for giving me the most beautiful, talented, smart, kind pony…my sister! This life would be lonelier without her. She is the sunshine in my life, the rainbow after the rain, the laughter in the dark. I love you so Iliaki. You have taught me so much, you have made me laugh so much, we have had so much fun together and me and you will always have each other. 4. I am grateful for the rest of my family especially my grandparents who (sorry guys) are the best! From the amazing grandfather who was so intellectual, philosophical and full of wonderful stories to my grandmother with her youthful spirit, loud laughter and guts .Both of my grandparents have stigmatized my childhood years with so many good memories which I will cherish forever. Both parents and grandparents inspire me to be an equally amazing grandparent and parent. 5. I am grateful for my heritage and roots. I am so proud to be Greek, so proud to have roots from a country that is very ancient and beautiful. Ancient Greeks were the founders of democracy, philosophy, influenced the structure of math, medicine (and oh so more) which people all around the world use today. We have the best climate, the best food, the best smells and even the best beaches. I would never EVER change my roots, home, and country for anything else. 6. I am grateful for my unique name (thank you mum!) which makes me feel special every day and for my body and face which are also unique! It’s hard to love yourself and I have come a long way. Every single one of us is unique and don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise. Why on earth would I ever want to look or be someone else? So happy I get to look like a mixture of my amazing parents, I get to look like Kallinthi! 7. I am grateful for my childhood and early education. Born and raised in Africa I had the chance to live surrounded by nature and animals. Living there makes me appreciate the fact that I am also bilingual (English and Greek). Growing up in Athens I experienced good food, beautiful sceneries, fun (Greeks just know how to have fun guys) and THE BEST SUMMERS EVER! Also the fact that most of my education was in Greece has helped me so much throughout the years. P.S I am not nominating anyone but I am simply encouraging you all to look at your lives closely as see what you feel grateful for. Peace and Love everyone xxx
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 12:18:03 +0000

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