THINGS THAT CAN MAKE A MAN TIRED OF A WOMAN Men get easily tired - TopicsExpress


THINGS THAT CAN MAKE A MAN TIRED OF A WOMAN Men get easily tired of a relationship; sometimes it’s not because they want to but because their lady does things that live them frustrated. Women sometimes are unaware of the fact that certain characters they exhibit would only push their man off the relationship. One sure thing about a man getting tired of a relationship is that it gradually happens; it builds slowly till the man can’t take it anymore. When a man becomes tired of his lady, he easily gets tired of being with her and hardly anything she does would be pleasing to him. Alright ladies, it’s time to step into a man’s shoes, know how he thinks and what he hates so you can salvage your relationship. NAGGING................You would hardly see a man who wouldn’t get tired of a woman that nags. Nagging is the most irritating character any woman can possess. Any woman that nags would definitely find it hard to keep a man. Nagging would gradually push your man out of the house, probably to bars, pubs and even other women. COMPARISONS..............No man would love to be compared to another man and surprisingly ladies always use this to take a dig at their man. Comparisons are quite frustrating and it passes a message that you think the other man is better than your man. Constantly comparing your man to others would kill the feelings he has for you. BEING UNAPPRECIATIVE.............Many women only appreciate big things and complain about or not appreciate the little ones her man does. Complains and not being appreciative go hand in hand and this can make a man tired of a woman; if you appreciate a man for what he does, he would see you as an angel but if you don’t, he wouldn’t hesitate to deem you expendable. WHEN YOU BECOME TOO CLINGY..........Sometimes you need to let your man know your worth; being too clingy is a sign of a woman that’s too dependent on a man. Sometimes men need their space and when you are too clingy on them it could just be frustrating. NOT UNDERSTANDING..........When a woman doesn’t understand her man it can make the relationship rocky. Men love it when their partner is understanding; a woman who doesn’t understand her man would criticise his every action and this can gradually turn love to hate. BEING BOSSY...............Only few men would stand a bossy woman. A bossy woman does what she wants and also wants her man to do only what she wants. Most women with this trait don’t even know, they try to subdue their man without knowing and this can get him tired of her. There should always be the balance between what a man wants and what a woman wants and only understanding can make that happen; a bossy woman doesn’t understand her man. Like I pointed out earlier, when a man is tired of a woman, he would get easily frustrated at her and hardly anything she does would be pleasing to him. Ladies, take note and Share with colleagues. Happy Bugum Festival to all my northern Brethren.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 10:31:21 +0000

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