THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BROKEN RELATIONSHIP AND HOW TO OVERCOME ITS TRAUMA! Many people see broken relationship as negative, terrible, unprofitable, undeserving, and unacceptable situation, so they try everything possible to avoid, reject, or even try to hurt or kill themselves when they fall victims. But let me tell you today, broken relationship could be the best thing that can happen to you at a point in your life. Why? Not all relationships are meant to end up in marriages. Some are only meant to teach you some lessons, some are only meant to prepare you for the right person, some are meant to help you work on yourself before your real life partner comes. etc. PEOPLES WRONG PERSPECTIVES ABOUT BROKEN RELATIONSHIP: 1. Once it doesnt work out, then the other partner is wicked. (Not true) 2. I must have him/her back by fire by force. (Not a good decision) 3. He used me and dumped me. (You caused it) 4. I have sacrificed and really helped him/ her. (Yes, its normal, the good deeds will come back to u someday) 5. I will never forgive him/her. (No its better u forgive, then you are relieved) 6. I wont find the right choice again. (Who told you? He/she left for the right choice to replace) 7. HOW TO OVERCOME THE TRAUMA OF BROKEN RELATIONSHIPS: 1. ACCEPT THE PAIN: Accept that he/she has gone for good, cry if need be, and continue with your life. 2. UNDERSTAND YOUR EMOTION: This will help you to deal with those feelings that occupy your mind. 3. FORGIVE&LEARN TO LET GO: To forgive and let go will help to heal your broken heart. To travel light is to travel far. 4. BELIEVE YOU WILL FIND TRUE LOVE AGAIN: This can be really hard, but its the best way to be healed. 5. DO NOT RUSH INTO THE NEXT AVAILABLE RELATIONSHIP: The worst mistake many people do make is accepting the next person. No, take time to rediscover yourself first. 6. KEEP YOURSELF BUSY: Being busy doing the right things will help to get over the broken heart quickly. 7. LEARN YOUR LESSONS: Try to learn from those mistakes and errors of the immediate past relationship, so as not to fall a victim again. 8. LIVING HAPPILY THEREAFTER: This will do you a lots of good. It will prepare you for the right person and help you to live a health life. 9. DO NOT ALLOW THE BREAK TO AFFECT YOUR DREAM/GOAL: You need to know that your future is more important than the present, so focus on your dream. 10. STAY TRUE TO GOD: God is always ready to accept us when others reject us, He promised to heal the broken hearted and give joy to the sorrowful. (OPTIONAL) HOW TO END A RELATIONSHIP: Ending a relationship is never easy, but in some cases having the courage to follow through with your decision will make both of you happier when the relationship has already passed its BEST BEFORE date. 7 HEALTHY STEPS TO END RELATIONSHIPS: (Provided your reason is genuine) 1. Make him/her know as soon as you know it wont workout. 2. Tell him/her face to face and not through text, calls or mail. 3. Find a neutral place for the discussion, not in your place or in his/her her place. 4. Make it simple and straight foreword, and dont tell lie. 5. Persuade him/her to see your point of view. 6. Dont change your mind as long as your reason for leaving the relationship is genuine. 7. Be ready for the pain and also be ready to get over it. NOTE: Relationships are the building clocks of humanity, to get a reliable structure, build with strong and genuine blocks. DO NOT FORGET THAT A BROKEN RELATIONSHIP IS FAR MORE BETTER THAT A BROKEN MARRIAGE AND RELATIONSHIP!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 11:12:44 +0000

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