THINGS YOUR MOTHER SHOULDVE TOLD YOU ABOUT! 1.If you have ever - TopicsExpress


THINGS YOUR MOTHER SHOULDVE TOLD YOU ABOUT! 1.If you have ever had to give eye drops to a small child, you know how hard it can be. Ask your child to lay down and close his/her eyes. Place a small drop on the inside corner of the eye. The drop will slip onto the eye ball as soon as the child opens their eyes. 2. To silence your squeaky hardwood floors sprinkle some baby powder on the squeaky area and sweep it into the cracks. Then wipe the floor. The baby powder between the boards will act as a lubricant and will stop the annoying noise. 3. Several fires are started every year from clogged dryer vents. You can avoid this with a few simple steps to keep your dryer clean and clog free. Check out Pretty Handy Girl for some step by step cleaning instructions. 4. Have company on their way over and you forgot to put drinks in the fridge. Place your drinks in a large pot and cover with ice. Sprinkle 2 cups of salt on top of the ice and then fill the rest of the pot with water. Your drinks will be ice cold within 2 to 3 minutes. 5. Need to open a page in a new tab? Instead of right clicking and selecting Open in new tab, save time by clicking on the link with the middle button on your mouse. If you dont have a mouse with a middle button you can hold down the ctrl key while clicking on the link. 6. Quit wasting time sorting laundry. Buy 1 laundry basket per family member. Assign each family member a day of the week and wash only THEIR laundry on that day. Once the clothes are dry, place the clothes back into the basket and place in their room. Each family member is responsible for sorting and putting away their own clothes. And yes! Even my 2 year old can put her clothes in the washer (its front load washer), transfer them from the washer to the dryer, Take them out of the dryer and sort them. We are still working on folding but I did teach her to lay her clothes flat so that they dont wrinkle as much. All I have to do is add soap and turn on the machines. (Please be sure to supervise young children around the washer and dryer as they can easily lock themselves inside.) 7. Get rid of the gap in the back of your pants by threading elastic through them. Head on over to Patchwork Posse for the full tutorial. Works for kids pants too. 8. To reheat pizza without getting the crust soggy, place the pizza in a nonstick skillet. Heat on low until warm. 9. When making deviled eggs, place the egg yolks in a plastic Ziploc bag with the rest of the ingredients. Close the bag and mash everything together. Once everything is well mixed cut off a small tip from one of the bottom corners of the bag and squeeze the contents into your egg white. Just too the bag once you are done for easy cleanup. 10. Use wet newspaper as a weed block. Place a layer on the ground and build your raised bed on top of it or layer the stuff around your plants and cover with mulch. Weeds can grow through some of the store bought weed presenters but not wet newspaper. I used this trick on our raised beds 4 months ago and have yet to see a single weed. 11. Keep an eye out for gifts for friends and family every time you go shopping. Buying gifts throughout the year will save a lot of time and stress when birthdays and Christmas rolls around. 12. Dont have time for exercise? Try double tasking. Do squats while you brush your teeth. Push-ups while waiting for the tub to fill up. One handed bicep curls while stirring sauce with the other hand. 13. If you have already sealed an envelope and realized you forgot to put something in it, place the envelope in the freezer for a couple hours. It will pop right open so you dont have to get another envelope. 14. After cooking fish boil a little vinegar in a pot and let it boil. The nasty fish smell will disappear almost instantly leaving your kitchen smelling clean again. 15. Do you have some conditioner that you bought then decided you did not like it? Use it to shave your legs. Not only is it cheaper than shaving cream, it will also leave your legs silky smooth. 16. If you have some eggs that are about to go bad, have your own chickens that produce more than your family could ever eat, or they are on sale so you buy way more than you need. Dont just let them go to waste. You can freeze them! You can mix them up and place 2-3 in a Ziploc bag. Lay them down flat in the freezer then stack them upright once they are frozen to save on space. You can also crack a dozen of them into a bowl, beat them (I was told not to freeze eggs unless they are mixed/beaten not sure why but I mix them anyways) then poor them into an ice cube tray. One cube is equal to one egg. Once they freeze. dump them into a large Ziploc bag or freezer safe container. 17. For picture frames with two holes, hang them evenly and easily by placing a single strip of masking tape over the back covering the two holes. Mark each end of the tape where the holes are located for hanging the frame. Take the tape off and place it on your wall. Make sure it is level then hammer a nail in at each pen. 18. You know those drip pans that you place under your flower pots to collect all the water that drains from the drains holes? Fill those up with water instead of watering the plant directly. This will allow the plant to soak up water through the roots when it is needed so you will never risk over watering. It also makes it a lot easier to tell when you need to water your plant again. Whenever the drip pan is low or empty just add more water. 19. If you cant find a shower curtain to match your bathroom style (in most cases I can only find solid black, brown, white and blue or really bright teeny-bopper colors) Then try looking in the regular curtain section. Using this tip from SAS Interiors. You can turn any curtain into a shower curtain. 20. Tired of washing dishes all day, or getting blamed for tossing a drink that a family member was still drinking? Try this tip from Bee in our Bonnet. Make a coaster tray and assign a coaster to each family member. When they are done with their drink they set in on the coaster until they need it again. 21. Here is a great tip from Abide With Me. Use a tackle box to organize and store all you medicine and first aid supplies. 22. Dont store medicine in you medicine cabinet!! Due to frequent water usage (i.e. showers, baths, hand washing) bathrooms often contain a lot of moisture in the air. This can greatly shorten the life of your medicines, causing them to go bad long before the expiration date listed on the bottle. Medicines last longer when kept in a dry, dark and slightly cool location such as the pantry or bedroom closet. 23. To peel a kiwi cut off the top and bottom, slip a spoon between the skin and the flesh. Twist the spoon around the the entire kiwi (keeping it between the skin and flesh the whole time). Then just pop the skin off. 24. Use Pressn Seal saran wrap to line your refrigerator shelves. When the shelves get dirty, just remove the wrap, toss in the trash and replace. No more scrubbing nasty food spills. 25. Never buy dryer sheets again. Wad up a large ball of aluminum foil and toss it in your dryer along with your wet clothes. It removes static and best of all you can use the same ball over and over again. You can also soak a rag in fabric softener and hang it up to dry. Once it is dry toss it in the dryer with the rest of your clothes and reuse it until it stops smelling like fabric softener (mine lasts between 10 to 15 loads). 26. When you are done using the roll of tape, fold the last quarter inch down and stick it back onto itself. This will create a little tab that can easily be found so you dont have to waste time searching for the end of the tape. 27. Two boxes that should be in every home are a Fix it box and a Donate box. Whenever you child comes to you with a broken toy that you dont have time to fix instead of letting it clutter up the kitchen counter or get lost with the rest of the toys just toss it in the Fix it box. Next time you have the glue gun or sewing machine out look through the box to see what can be fixed. Toss anything that is too small or your kids no longer play with into the donate box and once a month (or more if needed) drop the items off at the donation center. 28. Stick old newspaper or magazines inside your boots when you store them. This will keep the tops from flopping over and adding unsightly creases to your boots. 29. Accidentally close a tab on your browser? No problem! Hit ctrl-shift-T and the page will pop up again. 30. You can tint glass any color you like by using mod podge and food coloring. Momtastic has the full tutorial. 31. Toss small items such as baby spoons, pacifiers and bottle caps inside a small mesh lingerie bag and set the bag in the top rack of your dishwasher. This will keep things from falling off the rack and getting lost or ruined in the bottom on the dishwasher. 32. You can cook salmon in your dishwasher!! This could come in handy when you are cooking for a large crowd and dont have enough oven space. I have not tried this but I would be curious as to how it turns out. View full recipe at Real Simple. 33. Create a tight seal on any plastic bag using a plastic water bottle. Also makes it super easy to poor out your next serving. - Original source unknown. 34. Divide and freeze soup into muffin tins. Makes perfect individual servings that you can just pop out when ever you need them. 35.Use a hanger with clips to hold your recipes up where you can see the. No more greasy fingerprint all over your recipe cards!! 36. When packing liquids (shampoo, conditioner, mouthwash, etc...) for your next trip, take the lid off, place a piece of plastic wrap over the opening and screw the lid back on. The plastic wrap will keep the liquid from spilling even if the lid pops open. ♥♥♥ SHARE ♥♥♥ SHARE ♥♥♥ SHARE ♥♥♥ SHARE ♥♥♥ SHARE!! Join us for healthier recipes, support & motivation, tips n tricks, DIY and some FUN stuff!! https://facebook/groups/GetSkinnyWithMelissa/ FOLLOW ME >> https://facebook/melissa.gaunder for more amazing recipes and tips! To learn more about Skinny Fiber visit ~ GetSkinnyandCash.SBCSpecial Want to work from home in your spare time to earn some extra money? Click Here: GetSkinnyandCash.SBCMovie
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 04:53:27 +0000

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