~THINGS of THE SAME NATURE UNITE PERFECTLY~ 2Pet.1:3 Reads: - TopicsExpress


~THINGS of THE SAME NATURE UNITE PERFECTLY~ 2Pet.1:3 Reads: According as His Divine power has given unto us ALL things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who has called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these you MIGHT be partakers or shareholders of the DIVINE NATURE. Wow! did you get that? We as believers are shareholders of The Divine Nature of our Father and we should UNITE PERFECTLY. As The Lord is pure, our spirit must be pure in order to truly be united. 1Cor.6:17 Reads: But he that is joined or united to The Lord is one spirit or united in spirit, which contains your (intuition,communion and conscience), not united in soul which contains your (mind, emotion and will) 1Cor.15:45 Reads: And as it is written; The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a life-giving spirit. The Risen Lord is a life-giving Spirit. His union is with the believers spirit, not soul. We must understand that the life of the soul is the spirit and it is our spirit that has been born again or renewed, not the soul. Look at Ps.51:10 Create in me a clean or pure heart (core or communication center), (out of the heart, or core or belly, the mouth speaks) O God;and RENEW a right spirit within me. That is why the believer is encouraged, even after the born again experience: (in our spirit) to BE transformed or changed (soulically) by the RENEWING of the MIND, which is a faculty of the soul. Read and study Rom. 12:2. And BE not conformed to this world or social system, (YOU be not conformed). This means through deliverance (casting out devils) and teaching of The Word of God, the soul can be transformed to be obedient and harmonise with the spirit. 1Jn.3:7 Reads: Let no man deceive you, he who DOES righteousness IS righteous even or exactly as He (The Lord) is righteous. 1Jn.2:6 Reads: He who says he abides in (union) with Him, ought himself ALSO so to walk (proceed forward in a harmonious relationship) even or exactly as He walked. Truly working out your own Salvation or living in such a way to allow your salvation in your spirit to work or manifest itself outwardly. Phil. 2:12.... TO BE CONTINUED:
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 23:13:51 +0000

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