THINK CAREFULLY BEFORE BRINGING ANOTHER CHILD INTO THIS WORLD. Why you ask? Read on for details. Pastor will unlock to alert all concerning the timely Bible Mysteries that GOD has already revealed in HOLY BIBLE detailing clearly and specifically about what coming future events that will soon engulf this world of ours. No one alive is spared. It will be a time when GOD delivers His Righteous Judgment on a world that had rejected Him and His Son JESUS CHRIST. Why everyone alive today needs to urgently pay attention and take heed of GODS WORD, solemn warnings and the terrible scenarios that are closing in fast upon all of mankind, is because End Times Bible Prophecies mentioned in Holy Bible are now seen beginning to be fulfilled day by day, with intervals of calm before more and more events unload. Here is a prelude of what terrible events that will be coming soon: Proclaim to all - This world of ours is not going to get better. Instead, the days will become more and more evil as the clock continues to tick. This world is deteriorating day by day as JESUS CHRIST SECOND COMING draws near! Wickedness and widespread evil and violence will characterise many nations as mankind continues to discard GOD from their lives! Children will become more and more rebellious towards their parents. Satan knows his time left to deceive mankind on earth is limited before he will be incarcerated by GOD into the deep Abyss at the end of the coming Battle of Armageddon. As such, we will be seeing a growing increase of demonic and evil activities that will be characterised by increasing lawlessness on earth. World political, economic and social upheavals will escalate. Increasing globalisation and the concept of one currency, one government, one new economic world order will be forged as the world is being prepared for the soon to come AntiChrist as foretold in Holy Bible. A giant surge in communications technology such as the cellular phone technology, satellites, video broadcasting technology, and giant increase in world travel due to cheap flights will sweep the earth. Whatever event happens on any part of the world will immediately be telecast worldwide by media companies and be readily seen by millions around the world in real-time. Such is the capabilities available now so much so that it is becoming possible for a single world leader to harness this technology to control the world - a condition so necessary for the coming AntiChrist to wield his evil reign soon! More and more intense cosmic disturbances, signs of our sun undergoing increased solar flares erupting, major climate changes, large earthquakes breaking out frequently around the world, volcanic eruptions and dangerous pestilences and contagious diseases such as ebola and severe influenza type diseases will afflict humanity. There will be increased scarcity of food supply, famines and droughts and wars and rumours of wars happening around the world. The rich becomes richer and the poor becomes poorer. In short, it is going to be the darkest time on earth in the history of mankind. A time of great suffering that you and I will not want to be in. A period of great suffering which Holy Bible calls - THE GREAT TRIBULATION PERIOD OF SEVEN YEARS is coming. What is currently holding it back from occuring is the much awaited return of JESUS CHRIST in midair to snatch His CHURCH ( all True Believers In CHRIST who are alive on earth at RAPTURE DAY) from the earth and take them safely with Him to HEAVEN. This Imminent Bible Prophetic Event can occur at any moment and is known as THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH. Tragically, all the people left behind on RAPTURE DAY because they do not belong to JESUS CHRIST as a result of their unbelief, will then enter into The Great Tribulation Period mentioned above. The world will encounter the terror of GODS Fury in The Tribulation Period. There will be three sets of punishment. The first set will comprised The Seven Seals Judgment. This will be followed by The Seven Trumpets Judgment. And finally GOD will unleash The Seven Bowls Judgment that will bring about the end of the Seven Years Tribulation Period, culminating with the defeat and incarceration of Satan into the deep Abyss. During these seven years, tragically one-quarter of the world population on earth at that time will perish by the time of the Fourth Seal Judgment! Then by the time of the Sixth Trumpet Judgment, another one-third of the remaining population alive after the Fourth Seal Judgment will also perish! Therefore, in total - Holy Bible has revealed that one-half of the world population that were left behind after RAPTURE DAY that entered into The Seven Years Tribulation Period will have perished by the time of Sixth Trumpet Judgment! Therefore, after knowing what events are coming upon mankind, why would anyone still wants to bring another child into this world? Would you still want to do it? Pastor pray that GOD will give you spiritual discernment in this matter. Yes! THE PROPHETIC CLOCK IS TICKING! JESUS CHRIST IS COMING BACK. ARE YOU READY TO RECEIVE JESUS? YOU MUST! Friend, what about you? Have you obtained GODS forgiveness for your sins? Are you a Saved Soul before GOD? Do you know where your soul will spend eternity after you depart this world? JESUS CHRIST said: I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME. (John 14:6) Yet in the midst of all these troubles, GOD is not silent! Yes! GOD is raising up faithful servants of His to boldly sound out GODS Warnings Of Coming Judgment when JESUS RETURNS AGAIN! Dear Friends, Every passing moment brings us closer to JESUS RETURN. Holy Bible instructs every Sinner to Get Saved Now. Sin carries the terrible death penalty and makes us enemies with GOD and anyone who dies in Unforgiven Sin Status will perish in GODS Wrath. The GOOD NEWS is that no one needs to die without JESUS in Unforgiven Sin Status today, unless you foolishly chooses to disbelieve GOD and His Son JESUS CHRIST and rejects GODS Plan Of SALVATION To Rescue Sinners To Eternal Life In JESUS! With great love JESUS has already died for your sins and has paid in full the terrible price required by GOD to redeem your soul from perishing in Hell. This is the Heart of The GOSPEL MESSAGE and thats why everyone needs to Come To JESUS. Pastor has shared with you GODS GOSPEL MESSAGE today. You now know about sin and what you must do in order to seek GODS Pardon so you will be granted entry into GODS HEAVEN. Therefore if there is anyone reading this who is not a Christian and you understand the GOSPEL MESSAGE and why you must turn to JESUS CHRIST to ask for His forgiveness for your sin, and you want to make your decision to ask JESUS to come into your life to be your SAVIOR and LORD, you can do so in Prayer right here. Pastor wants to pray for you and will now lead you STEP BY STEP In Prayer To Say Your REPENTANCE Before GOD. GOD will hear you if you truly mean what you say. In true sincerity of heart and spirit before GOD, now say these words aloud to GOD in Prayer sentence by sentence after Pastor, with your eyes open: Dear LORD JESUS CHRIST, I believe you are the SON OF GOD. I believe you are THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD. Only You Alone has authority and power to forgive my sins. LORD JESUS, I confess I am a Sinner before you. I am sorry for my sins. I repent before you now. I turn from my sin to follow you. Please forgive me for every sin I have committed. I humbly ask you to come into my life to be my SAVIOR AND MY LORD. I want to trust, to obey and to follow you. I hereby willingly submit fully under your Authority and your LORDSHIP. LORD JESUS, thank you so much for loving me. You willingly laid down your life in order to save me from perishing in my sins by the shedding your precious blood on the Cross at Calvary. I believe you resurrected on the third day and you ascended in glory to HEAVEN and is now seated in Honor on the right hand of Father GOD. Upon the Authority of GODS WORD - The Holy Bible, I now claim your Free Gift Of Eternal Life. I claim your Promise to write my name in The LAMBS BOOK OF LIFE in HEAVEN. Please help me to abide in you and in your WORD. Give me strength to remain faithful to follow, to obey and to do your commands from this day forward. Thank you LORD JESUS for SAVING My Soul and giving me ETERNAL LIFE. I know now that if I will to die today, my Soul and my Spirit will immediately return to you to live with you in HEAVEN forever and ever. I pray all this giving you grateful thanks in your Mighty Name, LORD JESUS. Amen. Hallelujah! If you have in true sincere faith confessed this PRAYER before GOD and you mean what you had confessed, Pastor rejoices to Welcome you into The Family Of CHRIST. Now that you are a New Believer In JESUS, you need to start to regularly read the Holy Bible, to pray and to learn more about GODS WORD. You also need to spend time with other Christian Believers who can help, encourage and guide you in your new walk with JESUS. Wherever you are, Pastor encourages you to locate a Bible Believing and Bible Preaching Church that honors JESUS CHRIST near to you and ask to speak with the Pastor there. Let the Pastor know that you have ACCEPTED JESUS CHRIST TO BE YOUR SAVIOR AND LORD and you would like to fellowship with the Church and to learn and grow strong in your new walk with JESUS. GOD bless you and keep you safe in His Fold always. Amen. Add me as friend if you would like to be ministered with GOD’S WORD here in our Church on Facebook on a regular basis. And come often to our Facebook Page so you may fellowship here and receive spiritual nourishment for your soul. GOD bless you. Pastor Ben Soon. COME & WATCH: JESUS I BELIEVE – SAVE ME LORD - Passionately Preached By Pastor Greg Laurie
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 00:56:37 +0000

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