THINK FOR 5 MINS….PLEASE This story is about the incident that - TopicsExpress


THINK FOR 5 MINS….PLEASE This story is about the incident that took place more than 3 decades ago. I joined my new job in a city. Within a short period, I came in contact with a group of six young and energetic engineering graduates preparing for competitive examinations and very soon they accepted me as their friend. We started meeting at a common place in the evening. Without any specific intention, we used to discuss on various topics related to social, technical and management changes taking place in India. Approximately after 2-3 weeks, four more youths joined our group. Things were moving smoothly. One day, discussion on a social issue reached to such a stage that it became essential to clarify ‘what is moral?’ and under crucial conditions how to decide ‘what is right and what is wrong?’. After so many arguments and with so many ifs and buts, we tried to conclude. A simple conclusion on which most of us agreed was ‘whatever your inner conscious says/accepts under crucial conditions, is true/right’. All of a sudden, one of the new members raised a question. The question was ‘If someone is capable of degrading one’s inner conscious to such an extent that murdering for the sake of money, treating women inhumanly for the sake of so-called pleasure or proving his superiority, participating in anti-social and/or anti-national activities, etc. appear to be routine (normal) task for one, then what?’. Though some such activities were there at that time and have been in the past also but not to an extent that these could not be tackled by local or central administration. Additionally, society used to be very sensitive to such issues and by and large was adopting quite rough and tough stand towards such incidents. To be very honest, we could not cherish his question and simply ignored it on the plea that it is more or less is an imaginary question/idea. None of us was able to appreciate the concept that someone can degrade oneself to such an extent. Today, after more than 30 years, I am remembering the question raised by that gentleman. I admit that at that time, none of us considered him gentleman and two of us raised serious reservations about his thinking pattern. He said ‘if someone……..’ and now we observe ‘if majority………..’. The worst aspect of the problem is that, nowadays, it is not a localized phenomenon. In every religion, caste, political parties, in every type of job or business and all over the India, one finds these some ones. I do not know to whom we should thank (might be, some super-natural power) for the fact that around 30 per cent of us, irrespective of religion, caste, gender, or profession, are highly devoted towards our responsibilities and are highly concerned about national interests. These persons additionally share or take care of other’s assignments too. Salute to such persons! Let me come back to my point of view. What has gone wrong during last 50 years? Roughly, first fifteen years after the independence can be understood in terms of certain social problems/evils, poor economy, lack of awareness and impact of more than 300 years foreign rule which badly shattered the synchronization and decision taking power of the majority. Are we not supposed to behave in a very mature manner after independence? If we are of the opinion that synonyms to maturity are deceptiveness, corruption, crime, money making, misusing power, and unhealthy/derogatory statements, then certainly we are developing speedily. One cannot think, more appropriate word may be imagine instead of think, of asking one’s wards to follow today’s politicians and/or public servants (deep regards to exceptional ones, kindly excuse). Further amplification of facts is not needed as every concerned one is well familiar with facts related to political degradation, economical dreadful conditions and social disintegration. However, I have blind faith on my countrymen. After all, we not only survived against all odds but also proved ourselves at all major occasions. Hats off to diligent and intelligent common Indian. Kindly refocus on dignity of the self and of the Great India. It is my country, your country and our country. Be Accountable, Make Others Accountable & Act Judiciously. VANDE MATARAM!!
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 04:44:14 +0000

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