THINK TANK THURDSAY BY BEATRICE ONYANGO The Power of Now “Saving Mr. Banks” is one of the movies I find very educative. In the movie, there is a driver who has a daughter who is handicapped and uses a wheel chair. On a sunny day, he would leave the daughter outside at the garden as he goes to work and on a rainy day, he would leave her inside the house. This is a man who would never worry about the future much, but concern himself with only today for the weather today determined where he would leave his daughter. We tend to consume ourselves with thoughts of tomorrow or yesterday so much that we forget to live today. We should be more aware of the present moment and stop loosing ourselves in worry and anxiety about the past or the future. Instead of imagining some bright future, we must learn to come to terms with the present. What is your present situation? Are you looking for a job? A student? New at your current job? Running your startup? Whatever it is, are you constantly imagining how tomorrow will be or are you living in the past? Are you immersed in the present situation? Being in the present is making every single moment count. Whatever you are doing now, make it count. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not for sure, so all you have is today. Make today count. Many times we think that what we do not have at the moment will improve our current state. And so we strive so hard to acquire these “things” only to realize that we are not better than we were without them. The only certain thing is what you have now, so use it to the best of your ability and be satisfied with it. If you are not happy or satisfied with what you have now, how will what you don’t have make a difference? This does not mean that you stop being ambitious and stop planning for the future or that you forget your past experiences. Learn from you past for sure and use those lessons today to create a better tomorrow, but do it today. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is the present, so enjoy today. Have a lovely day. From Beatrice Onyango
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 04:00:00 +0000

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