THINKING ABOUT SELLING? Perhaps youve thought about selling - TopicsExpress


THINKING ABOUT SELLING? Perhaps youve thought about selling your home, but have put off that decision, thinking that now is not a good time to sell. Want some advice? There’s no time like the present.Consider what happens during the bad times. Most homeowners want to sell their homes for the highest possible price in the shortest possible period of time. So, during those periods that are perceived as a “buyers market,” those homeowners put off their selling decision until a more favorable selling climate exists. Since the so-called bad times can last for quite a while, a backlog of frustrated would-be sellers builds. It’s like the force that builds up in a pressure cooker. Then, finally, comes the good news: Home sales are rising - buyers are buying! And they are! Guess what happens? Like the pressure cooker, the lid blows right off the top. Sellers begin to flood the market with homes for sale. The competition is fierce and prices must be competitive to generate a sale. I’ve always maintained that a seller’s motivation and ability to convey will determine when and if a property will sell and for how much. You are the only one who can make the decision as to whether or not to list your property but we can help.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 18:29:26 +0000

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