THINKING /??/ WHAT IS THINKING /???/ IS THE IDEA OF {}{}{} - TopicsExpress


THINKING /??/ WHAT IS THINKING /???/ IS THE IDEA OF {}{}{} thinking {}{}{} about thinking an exercise in futility /????/ Is thinking, then, of thinking as an IDEA-CONCEPT no more than Simply a THEORY ??? FOR EXAMPLE ~ HE IS THOUGHTLESS ??? Is it possible to be thoughtless and be truly mindless ??? I have hear it said by myself and others that WE NEED TO DO, YES I GOTTA DO ME some MORE CRITICAL THINKING , or some deeper thinking. What is meant when we say to ourselves that ONE MUST GO AND DO SOME THINKING, or I need to do some thinking or COGITATION about that ??? When we do that or say that we are making reference to an UNKNOWN UNCONSCIOUS PROCESS OF AN internal PSYCHIC MECHANICS .[* in my dictionary I find this garbage ] TO THINK: (1) to form or have in the mind, to conceive: as I am thinking black thoughts. (2) to hold in ones opinion; to judge; consider as, I THINK HER CHARMING. (3) to BELIEVE, to surmise; to expect: as, they think they can come, or I did not think to see you. (4) To determine, to decide, to resolve, to work out , etc., by [ REASONING ] : as, he thought his way out of the dilemma. (5) to have in [ INTENT ] ; to have { PURPOSE } ; intend; as he thinks to ][ DECEIVE ][ me , or simply to have a BELIEF, OPINION, EXPECTATION, etc. CAVEAT: ALL THINKING IS * MAGICAL *. No one understands these internal mechanics of the psyche or mind. In these simplest terms, it is quite truthful to say ~ as Seth has said in all of his materials ~ THAT MANS INTELLECT OR MIND IS INSTINCTIVE. Each individuals has a MIND before they were born and they have this MIND in life and in the transformation of energy from one form to another which we humans call DEATH. HE - MAN himself, BEGINS THINKING AT ONCE. There is no time nor space in which man cease to not be thinking. Man cannot help but use his intellect and his mind. The MIND with its intellect, again, operates {}{}{} *SPONTANEOUSLY & AUTOMATICALLY* {}{}{}. Its unlimited capacity and unlimited potential , its keen reasoning process rise as a result of that natural magical action. The MIND, your mind is an attribute and sacred aspect of your own eternal indestructible valid divine soul. Much is not known, for your psychologists, your scientist have not thought to think in terms of the SOUL , its mind and consciousness. Religions dare not explain this phenomena, for it to do so with clarity and truth in purpose and meaning would be tantamount to putting themselves out of business. When the characteristics , powers, capabilities of the SOUL are understood and appreciated there will be no NEED FOR ANY ORGANIZED RELIGIONS ON THIS PLANET EARTH. In truth is you want to use and employ the term KINGDOM to define and describe this UNLIMITED FIELD OF SPIRITUAL ENERGY, then you must describe this energy as being THE KINGDOM OF THE SOUL and thus there is then no KINGDOM OF GOD IN HEAVEN. NOW: Examine for a moment what YOU THINK ABOUT THINKING ~ Look at and examine for a moment your knowledge of your own Speech, and you may be astonished and amazed. THINKING & SPEAKING are inseparable phenomena. When you think to speak though you hear the words and recognize their appropriateness, and though these words may more or less approximate an expression of your FEELING, they are not your ( feeling ), and there must be a gap between your THOUGHT-THINKING and your expression of it. The familiarity of thinking and speaking begins to vanish when you, yourselves,when you begin a sentence do not know precisely how you will end it, or even how you form your words. You do not consciously KNOW how you manipulate a staggering pyramid of symbols, picking from them precisely those you need to express any given thought. FOR THAT MATTER NO ONE KNOWS HOW THEY ARE ABLE TO THINK nor HOW THINKING ACTUALLY OCCURS. No one , again, has ever seen a thought and no one knows exactly where thoughts come from nor where thoughts go when you are done thinking the thought. CAVEAT : Physical objects, indeed the entire ENVIRONMENT is the results of another kind of expression just like words in speech from thinking and speaking. According to SETH our words are translated into MATTER, and forms all ACTION-EVENTS including the ENVIRONMENT. In these therms the UNIVERSE IS AN ACTION EVENT. The Environment or the Universe is not A CAUSE, It is an event which is constantly being created by the Collective Combined Consciousness of ALL LIVING IDENTITIES on this plane of reality. The objects and this UNIVERSAL ENVIRONMENT are a natural by-product of the evolution of OUR SPECIES. I STARTED WITH THINKING. Hopeful if you followed this, you see how important the MAGICAL THINKING PSYCHIC MECHANICS really is for all living beings and creatures within our dimension of reality. In these terms our SOULS creates and forms Universe and worlds for all of us to inhabit to learn THE GREAT ART OF IDEA CONSTRUCTION. NOW: ~ Since the mechanism of THOUGHT-THINKING-SPEAKING is so little understood and unappreciated BY US on a conscious level, then it is not surprising that mankind is equally unaware of more complicated task that we perform as a species ~ such as the constant of our physical environment ( UNIVERSE ) as a method of communication and expressions. The Universe is an expression of what we are as a HUMAN SPECIES, and is as well an expression of ALL OTHER CONSCIOUSNESS in a continuum consciousness. There are no closed spiritual systems. Our thoughts and feelings and emotions are translated into MATTER.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 16:22:44 +0000

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