THIRD BEST PERFORMING PRESIDENT IN AFRICA WITH 78% APPROVAL MY A**HOLE! Excuse my language but I am fed up of Africans being taken for fools! LOOK AT THE BELOW MOTHER! UNLESS SHE LIVES IN PLUTO FOR UHURU KENYATTA, HER PRESIDENT TO BE 3RD BEST. OR IS HE IS 3RD AT BEST SMOKING BHANG AT STATEHOUSE AND WAKING UP AT 10 OCLOCK? I WONDER WHAT THIS GALLUP POLL IS ABOUT AND WHY IT IS BEEN RELEASED ONLY NOW IN THE WAKE OF UHURU KENYATTAS VISIT TO UNITED STATES. Why only make it public or release its outcome in Kenya and not any other African nations? Who is trying to shove Uhuru Kenyatta down the throats of Kenyans? Who is forcing Uhuru Kenyatta to the world? Is this poll the work of a lady friend of mine who we all know about, the lady who is a personal darling of the Kenyattas and is even said to have lived with the family? Is it the work of the lady who dismissed Mr. Kenyattas role in Kenyas worst violence ever witnessed in history saying the ICC case is based on hearsay? When the US warned Kenyan voters of possible consequences of their choice in the last poll, the lady was quick to dismiss the warning as reckless and irresponsible. Would she be the one behind this misleading report? They tell you that Mr. Kenyatta is the 3rd best performing President in Africa but they do not tell you what he has performed best in to support those claims. Who did Gallup ask for an opinion that led to approval of Mr. Kenyattas performance? Did they ask our people running churches as businesses in the US and elsewhere in the world or did they ask mzungu settlers in Kenya, the Kenya kimbos who are friends with the Kenyatta family and are supporting his failed presidency? Someone tell me one single thing that Uhuru Kenyatta has performed best in the past one year that this lady, if she is the one behind this poll saw to try and mislead the world about third best... 1.) Security is at its worst since independence. Kenyans, their visitors and tourists are living in fear of not only outside terrorism but government sponsored terror. 2.) Joblessness has hit an all time high. Tourism as an employer is dead at the watch of Kenyatta. Horticultural sector is on the brink of collapse and nearly 6million people who depend on it for livelihood are hopeless. Kenyas exports including tea has been rejected in main markets including Egypt and Europe. 3.) Corruption is the norm with government officers openly asking for bribes in order to provide important service including healthcare! Government tenders and projects are unlawfully awarded according to who has scratched where, the best. 4.) Tribalism and nepotism is making students from the other 41 tribes scared of graduating when Uhuru Kenyatta is the president. Job training and placements are done according to how your last name sounds. Graduates are hired depending on which tribe they come from. Qualified personnel from other tribes who are the next in line are retired prematurely because certain tribes MUST be the ones to hold certain jobs. 5.) The new constitution and devolution which would have been the only hope for Kenyans has been mutilated to the full stop. 6.) Kenyas heritage is endangered because of our new found friends who we have given personalized tours of our national parks. The number of elephants and rhinos that has been poached in the past one year alone is mind blowing. 7.) Lands belonging to peasant farmers are being forcefully grabbed and subdivided amongst the rich with the Deputy President William Ruto personally thieving one belonging to Mzee Muteshi then making sure that the victim is chased out of Rift Valley. ... >>>AFRICAN PRESIDENTS HAVE REGARDED THE PEOPLE AS FOOLS FOR A VERY LONG TIME. BUT THIS IS A WARNING TO THEM - NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF A GROUP OF FOOLS WORKING TOGETHER
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 04:13:39 +0000

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