THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT B (Isaiah 61:1-2, 10-11; Luke 1:46-50, - TopicsExpress


THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT B (Isaiah 61:1-2, 10-11; Luke 1:46-50, 53-54; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24; John 1:6-8, 19-28). While Advent is a time both of waiting/expectancy and penitence, it is also a time of hope and rejoicing, thus today is called Gaudete (Rejoice from the Latin) Sunday from Paul’s ever resounding statement in today’s antiphon: Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near (Phil. 4:4-5). He has made know his salvation to the poor and the oppressed (First Reading) for which Mary proclaims his greatness (Responsorial Psalm) and Paul encourages the Thessalonians to rejoice, be thankful and pray always (Second Reading). The imminence and fulfilled coming is proclaimed and testified to by John the Baptist, who came, preached and baptized in preparation for his advent (Gospel), for John only prepared the way (just like last Sunday too) for the coming of the one greater than he is. What God said he will do, he has indeed done for the new kingdom, the day of vindication, when the Spirit of the Lord shall anoint his messenger who will bring good news to the poor, heal the broken-hearted, free the captives, release the prisoners and announce a year of favour from the Lord, has finally come in Jesus, who on entering the synagogue proclaims this very words of Isaiah (Is. 61: 1-2, Lk. 4:18-20). This great and mighty thing the Lord has done for us in our time fulfils the promise of the joy of our soul, having been clothed, as promised, with the robe of salvation, justice, righteousness and the jewels befitting of brides/royal diadem of the groom. We not only rejoice in the unmerited gratuitousness of God, made available and accessible in Jesus through the Spirit, but are challenged by Paul to live in holiness (spirit, soul and body) in unceasing prayer as not to quench the Spirit or be found blameworthy when Christ comes. Having received the joy of the gospel that guarantees our salvation through John’s baptism of water, have we received and sustained the baptism of the Spirit, the baptism of fire, of which John was unworthy to do? Again, it is not by our might but if Christ’s promise is really fulfilled in us, then like the First Reading says; the Lord will make justice, righteousness and praise to spring up through us like the shoots of the garden. John the Baptist, in his humility, attained this by understanding his person, identity and mission of heralding the messianic era (not Elijah even though in his spirit, power and mission), and we are lucky to be already in it. Are we ready to be the voice of one crying out in the desert in our world today, even when others refuse to cry, in order to bear witness for Christ always? If the expected one is already among us with his kingdom, though not fully realised in us, then what is the obstacle from hastening to meet him, for our salvation is already at hand. Therefore, rejoice, again I say rejoice. Allow the Lord to spring up his true joy in your heart, open up to his Spirit, repent/confess your sins and receive his free gift in the Eucharist today. He is the One upon whom the Spirit remains (Jn. 1:32) and who will not withhold him from those who disposes themselves, in fulfilment of the promise we hear in the First Reading, to give us a new heart and a new Spirit that allow us live in dominion in his kingdom of justice, love and peace. Alleluia, this calls for joy and rejoicing to know that we can even now live in the hope of the future glory, allowing his kingdom come in and through us, living already in the Christmas joy and ultimately the eternal joy of the blessed, the beatitude. Yes, the Almighty One has done these things for us, he has lifted us from lowliness, satisfied our hunger and thirst for him with his bread from heaven, Jesus, our Eucharist and salvation. Don’t let anything or anyone deprive you of this great gift, the joy of knowing that you are saved, in reality and in hope, as we await his glorious return. Happy Sunday.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 07:13:20 +0000

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