THIRTEEN (13) YEAR OLD ARTICLE REGARDING WHAT IS NOW CALLED PUPPYCIDE Winter 2001 Volume 20 Number 4 The Animals Advocate THE QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER OF THE ANIMAL LEGAL DEFENSE FUND Courts, Cops and Canines: For dogs under fire, a shot at justice Bradley Woodall tracks animal cruelty cases from ALDF’s Portland, Ore., He reported a sharp increase in reports of “bad apple” cops who shoot dogs ... used to get one or two calls a month ... Now I’m getting one or two a week.” In October, the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reinstated a lawsuit against a Pennsylvania policeman who shot and killed Kim and David Browns dog named Immi in1998. In May 2000 they appealed the lower courts ruling that under Pennsylvania law “a claim of intentional infliction of emotional distress cannot be predicated upon harm to a family pet.” Their appeal was backed by ALDF briefs about strong emotional bonds between animals and humans. They won their appeal based upon Pennsylvania law, with the court noting “the strength of community sentiment against... animal abuse and the substantial emotional investment that pet owners frequently make in their pets.” ... thanks to the 3rd Circuit Court ruling it could get easier for ALDF and other animal advocates to seek damages when such tragedies occur, thus forcing police departments and city councils to address what has become a serious problem. “It’s really important to bring these bad apples to justice,” NOTE: Many law enforcement departments have not had officers commit PUPPYCIDE. More and more departments are providing training in non-lethal methods of handling dog encounters, but there is a long way to go. LACK OF DOG ENCOUNTER TRAINING FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS GOES NO FURTHER THAN 2014. It may be the dog lovers of America who touched off a movement to rein in the strong-arm tactics that have accompanied the militarization of the countrys police forces... Days of law enforcement getting away with strong-arm and often deadly tactics in the name of maintaining safety and order are coming to an end. mysanantonio/opinion/commentary/article/Pets-often-victims-in-police-raids-5472272.php March 5, 2014 Humane Society: Politics and Animals Close Encounters Between Cops and Canines: “At a news conference this afternoon at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., representatives of the National Canine Research Council, Safe Humane Chicago, the Chicago Police Department and the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services announced the launch of a new video training series for law enforcement agencies across the country. Called “Police & Dog Encounters: Tactical Strategies and Effective Tools to Keep Our Communities Safe and Humane,” this resource gives police the necessary tools to keep them protected when they encounter a dog while on duty.” hslf.typepad/political_animal/2014/03/canine_encouners.html JUNE 2014 The Police Chief Magazine: Officer Safety Corner: Dogs and the Police Response: A Guide for Safe, Successful, and Humane Encounters: “Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.” These words seem almost prophetic within the law enforcement community in light of the ever-increasing number of reports involving officer responses and reactions to the presence of dogs during otherwise human-specific related incidents such as traffic stops; responding to calls for service in residential and commercial settings; or, simply, while the officer is on routine tour out in the public. Dogs Shot by Police Facebook Page: https://facebook/DogsShotbyPolice Page with Links to Facebook pages of PUPPYCIDE victims cops-shooting-dogs.blogspot/p/fb-cause-pages.html Webpage with links to numerous PUPPYCIDE articles furbyshouse/Dogs-Shot-By-Police.html Youtube videos of dogs shot by police: youtube/user/dogsshot Video in memory of PUPPYCIDE victims youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=T-YZcBq5BJY The Time is NOW video: https://youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Se52PZAM83Y
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 23:14:14 +0000

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