THIRTY-ONE GIFTS FUNDRAISER FOR KEITH WHITE JR!!! https://mythirtyone/Totestolove0713/ Keith White JR was diagnoseD with Hydrocephalus when he was born. Keith has overcome many obstacles in his life. Keith was given his last rights read to him 16 times. Keith has profound developmental disability related to a serious brain malformation that left him with intellectual disability and The inability to move. He also has cerebral palsy, vision and hearing concerns, epilepsy and frequent aspiration pneumonia, temperature regularity, seizure disorder, frequent suctioning, and a shunt in place. Keith is a significantly multiple handicapped young man, he also requires tube feedings as he cannot consume enough calories to maintain his body weight. He frequently requires home-based IV antibiotic treatment every 6 hours for respiratory infections, and he is on supplemental Oxygen therapy via nasal cannula 24/7. He receives Physical therapy, Occupational therapy, Music, speech, and vision therapy here at home. Keith does not attend a program or school due to his disability, He is in need of a wheelchair van to improve the quality of care and transpiration to and from the Doctors and hospital. We currently lift him in and out of the car when we gos out to the Drs, hospital or any outings. Keith current weight is 88 lbs, and his chair that we lift in and out of the car is 120 lbs. We have 2 other children, a boy who is 10 and a girl who is 16, they help us out a lot when it comes to their brother, sometimes we have to take one of them with us on Keith’s DR apt to help with suctioning him when he needs it or help carry his Oxygen. We try to make their lives as normal as possible with activity’s and everyday life, but it’s not easy for any of us. Keith is always keeping us on our toes, we thank the lord and we cherish every day we have to spend with him. So we are asking everyone to share our story and help us with our fundraiser for a wheelchair van.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 15:44:30 +0000

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