THIS COULD BE THE MOST ENTERTAINING AND INFORMATIVE POST YOU READ TODAY! It must be my day to deal with idiots, and heres my idiot of the day! His name is Emmanuel Chuks Elem! (His picture is enclosed below! Since he decided to use my pic in a post of his a few hours ago, thought Id return the favor and use his pic in my response!) Well, apparently Manny didnt appreciate my comments regarding his promoting an illegal pyramid/ponzi scheme called Race Cycler! Well slick, heres my response to your post: First, contrary to your erroneous opinion Emmanuel, your Facebook posts are not private, and neither is your Facebook page, especially if one is on your friends list and your status updates appear on my wall! Its why Facebook has a comment button, so that people can comment on your update/posts! Duh! If you don’t like my remarks, then either stop your posts that promote an illegal pyramid/ponzi scheme which appear on my page, remove the option of people being able to leave comments on your posts, or unfriend me! They only thing you are correct on regarding Facebook is that you can control what others say on your page! Second, since you apparently dont know the difference between a legitimate network marketing opportunity and an ILLEGAL pyramid scheme, let me help you out, and unlike you, Ill be using regulatory guidelines and court cases whereas you prefer your uninformed, misinformed opinions! Here are the classic signs of an illegal pyramid scheme and/or ponzi scheme: 1) The primary emphasis is on recruiting! 2) You can get paid strictly for the act of recruiting! 3) There is a one time cost of entry, with no product/service, and/or no product or service of legitimate value to the general public being sold! (You might use some common sense here! Obviously if there is no product of real value being sold and re-ordered, then the programs success is strictly based on recruiting new people in at a certain amount, which is at least $230 in the case of Fast Cycler!) 4) There are boards involved that people move through! Didn’t you learn any lessons from the numerous programs with boards that have been shut down for being illegal pyramid schemes over the past 10-15 years like TVI Express? Oh, obviously arent very knowledgeable about the industry or youre a newbie and wouldnt know about the various programs with “boards” that have been shut down by regulators! 5) The product being sold has intrinsic value to business participant only! 6) The vast majority of the product or service being purchased, if a product or service is even involved in the first place, is being purchased in order to receive commissions and bonuses. 7) There are little to no legitimate “end users” and your company has a disproportionate ratio of distributors to customers! 8) The vast majority of the revenue being used to pay commissions is coming from the recruiting, and not the sale of legitimate products/services to “end users.” I could go on, but most smart people get the point! Violating any one of the above mentioned points, along with some others not mentioned, would be justification for a regulatory agency or court to deem a program to be an illegal pyramid/ponzi scheme! The program you are promoting, which is nothing more than a one time, $230 internet money game, violates most, if not ALL 8, of the above! LMAO! You are obviously no expert! Otherwise you would know all of the above and you wouldn’t be promoting the program you’re involved with! You remind me of all the idiots from TelexFree who had little to no knowledge of and experience in network marketing, little to no knowledge of, let alone experience in, regulatory compliance, and yet wanted to argue with REAL experts! Well, we all know how that turned out, dont we! Shut down by the SEC for being a billion dollar scam and the biggest illegal pyramid scheme in the history of our industry! Speaking of REAL experts, I’ve got 33 years of network marketing experience, over 15 years in the regulatory compliance field, have built some of the fastest growing and most successful groups in the industry, have been featured in such industry publications as MoneyMaker’s Monthly (known today as the Network Marketing Business Journal) and on industry websites such as, and am only 1 of around 100 people in the entire industry honored with induction into the Academy of Multi-Level Marketing, which is comprised of the experts’ experts, the most knowledgeable and successful executives and distributors in our industry! You have to be nominated by your peers in the industry and your nomination is voted on and approved or disapproved by the Board of Directors, which includes Dr. Charles King (the first professor to teach a college accredited course on network marketing and well known industry expert and consultant), Kevin Grimes and Kevin Thompson (2 of the industry’s top attorneys), Len Clements (court certified expert on network marketing), Doris Wood (heads up the Multi-Level Marketing International Association, ) and a number of other well known industry executives and experts! Newsflash: The fact that you would post remarks that “I’m an idiot” (when I’m not the one promoting an illegal pyramid scheme!) only demonstrates what a fool you are! They usually don’t feature you in leading industry publications, on industry leading websites, and honor you with induction into the Academy of Multi-Level Marketing if you’re an idiot! LMAO! Still want to have this debate? If so, once again you will only demonstrate what a fool you are! But hey, who am I to stop someone from making themselves look like an idiot! We have a saying in the U.S.-when youre in a hole, stop digging! But if you want to dig a deeper hole for yourself, have at it! Finally, let me address some of your erroneous statements. First, stop confusing the facts, analysis of the facts, comparisons based on the facts, and giving people the truth with “badmouthing!” Badmouthing is when you make negative statements and they have no basis in fact or truth behind them! Don’t shoot the messenger just because you don’t like the message and the truth! Second, I don’t demean all companies-nice, inaccurate generalization on your part! Third, the only reason I posted my original comment was because of a post you pasted on your website, where you said, “It hurts me. Yes, it hurts me. It hurts me to see poverty raging serious war against sons and daughters of Africa. It hurts me to see fellow Africans seeing enticing opportunities like EFX and Race Cycler and let them go all because of this man-made monster called POVERTY.” You even claimed to shed some tears while you had an introspective talk with yourself! LOL..Ya, sure you did... Enticing opportunities like Race Cycler? When I read that remark of yours, I about fell out of my chair, originally in laughter, but then later out of pity as you obviously don’t know the difference between a legitimate network marketing opportunity and an illegal pyramid scheme! Here, I’ll tell you what’s really sad-the fact that you think the solution to the poverty problem in Africa is to promote illegal pyramid schemes like Race Cycler! You remind me of all the uninformed, misinformed people who were running around promoting TelexFree! And now thousands and thousands of people in Africa will lose tens of millions of dollars or more, not to mention those who made more money than they put in (called net winners) being subject to clawbacks. (You probably dont even know what those are! LOL! It basically means they are likely to be legally forced to return the income they earned, even if they live outside of the U.S! Of course, you would only be promoting an illegal pyramid/ponzi scheme because you don’t know how to properly evaluate companies, opportunities, and pay plans, and because you have ZERO knowledge of regulatory compliance and what constitutes an illegal pyramid/ponzi scheme! Otherwise you wouldn’t be promoting an ILLEGAL pyramid/ponzi scheme like Race Cycler! Here, do yourself a favor and READ-something you probably dont do much of! Hopefully you can comprehend what you read! mlmlegal/Burnlounge%20Appeal.html You might also review the legal cases involving TVI Express, Zeek Rewards, Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing, and TelexFree-you might learn something! On the Fortune Hi-Tech Case, according to well known MLM attorney Kevin Thompson, After conducting its own investigation, the court-appointed receiver concluded that FHTM’s main business was recruiting new members and not selling stuff – a key factor in differentiating a pyramid scheme from a legitimate multi-level marketing plan. For example, 98% of participants lost more money than they made and at least 88% didn’t even recoup their enrollment fees. To the extent people made any money, 81% of the payments to FHTM participants came from recruiting new members, not from sales! Gee, sounds a lot like Race Cycler in terms of its emphasis on recruiting new members and not selling stuff, and the majority of the money to pay commissions coming from the act of recruiting new members, not the sale of legitimate products and/or services to real “end users.” And for those of you who with the notion that educating people with facts and knowledge, providing accurate analysis based on the facts, be it a comparative analysis or a straight analysis, and telling people the truth is somehow equivalent to badmouthing, thats absurd! Saying something negative just for the sake of saying something negative, and having no basis in fact or truth in what is being said, would be wrong! That’s not the case here! The fact of the matter is most people, especially in Africa, especially those new to the industry or have never been in the industry, dont know the difference between a legitimate network marketing opportunity and an illegal pyramid scheme, and in cases where a program is a blatant illegal pyramid scheme, education, analysis, and warnings that you misconstrue as criticism are valid! The late Jim Rohn was a mentor of mine over 30 years ago when we were in the same company. Jim used to say, “When someone is headed down the wrong road, they don’t need motivation/encouragement to speed up. What they need is an education to turn around!” Those of us in the network marketing industry who are REAL experts have an obligation to both educate people, and in some cases, warn people, especially in regards to illegal pyramid schemes! You obviously are in dire need of an education, especially in regards to regulatory compliance and the difference between a legitimate network marketing opportunity and an illegal pyramid scheme! Should REAL experts like myself just sit back and watch an illegal pyramid scheme take advantage of people? Dont say anything, dont be critical, and dont warn people? Is that your logic? If you were driving down a road you werent familiar with, and I was standing at the side of the road, a road I had driven down the past 30 years, and I could see that you were driving too fast, and unbeknownst to you, there was a curve up ahead and a cliff that you couldnt see, and at the speed you were driving at, you would not be able to stop in time and physics alone would make the car go over the cliff, taking you to your death, would you A) want me to just stand there and watch you drive by, knowing you are about to go off the cliff to your death, or B) would you prefer that maybe I get your attention and at least get you to slow down, or better yet, get out in the middle of the road and get you to stop so that I could explain there was a curve and a cliff up ahead? The dont be critical mentality is equivalent to picking A! If more people were knowledgeable and educated, and if more people listened to the criticism from real experts, then illegal pyramid/ponzi schemes like Ad Surf Daily,TVI Express, Zeek Rewards, TelexFree wouldnt have succeeded in taking in billions of dollars between them, destroying the lives of tens of thousands of people or more, and giving our industry a bad name in the process! And since most people dont have such knowledge, new programs that regulators and the courts would consider illegal pyramid/ponzi schemes like Race Cycler and Helping Hands International are able to get started and perpetuated. Perhaps most hilarious of all? When programs deemed to be illegal pyramid schemes are shut down, the #1 comment heard is usually “I wish I had known!” Or “I wish someone had told me!” One more thing Emmanuel-your hypocrisy is breathtaking! You had a “fraud alert” on your Facebook page back on August 3rd where you called someone by the name of Ray Box a fraud for selling EFX information that can be received for free, and you consider calling him a fraud, a scammer to be OK to do, yet when someone calls you out for promoting an illegal pyramid scheme like Race Cycler, that’s not OK…LOL…You’re too funny! And what do you do when a real expert informs you that Race Cycler is an illegal pyramid scheme AND gives you a number of reasons based on regulatory guidelines and court cases why it would be considered an illegal pyramid scheme? You argue with them, attack their character, call them an idiot, make racist remarks, then threaten to “mess them up” as well as threaten to post your ignorant, inflammatory remarks about them in various Facebook groups. Nice! You’re a real class act! I think anyone with half a brain and an ounce of common sense knows who the real “fool” is, and I can guarantee you it’s not me! After all, I dont recall you ever being featured in various industry publications, on leading industry websites, and I know for damn sure you havent been honored with induction into the Academy of Multi-Level Marketing! I have, and they dont write articles on fools in leading industry publications, they dont feature fools on leading industry websites, and they definitely dont put fools and uninformed idiots in the Academy of MLM! Most importantly, I’m not the one promoting an illegal pyramid/ponzi scheme like Race Cycler! You are Emmanuel! Im reminded of what the German writer Goethe once said: Nothing is more frightful than ignorance in action! And while youre at it, stop saying I said things I didnt say! I never said Nigerians are fools! Only certain Nigerians like you! You dont know what you dont know, and think you know when you really dont know! And then you want to argue with a real expert! Most people would consider such a person to be a Fool! Now, since I know you’re likely to leave your typical ignorant, unintelligent, uninformed, racist response, all of which will be a waste of time in responding to, Ill leave you with this picture next to your picture, which accurately sums up my thoughts! P.S. Ill be deleting your comments to this post just like you have deleted my responses to your post! See how that works!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 22:55:20 +0000

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