THIS DAY IN HISTORY: 1993 The Program After several teenagers - TopicsExpress


THIS DAY IN HISTORY: 1993 The Program After several teenagers are injured and one killed while imitating a scene from the movie The Program showing kids lying in the middle of a road as cars pass by, Disney announces it will cut the scene from the film. 1987 U.S. attacks Iran Four U.S. destroyers attack two Iranian oil rigs in retaliation for attacks on shipping vessels in the Persian Gulf. 1987 Subway Vigilante Bernhard Goetz is fined $5,000 and sentenced to six months in jail for carrying an unlicensed concealed weapon. He had been acquitted of the shooting of four black youths in a New York Subway (1984). 1987 Largest one-day stock market crash in history After a drop of 508 points, Pres. Reagan announces There is nothing wrong with the economy! 1983 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day The first federal annual holiday honoring a Black American is created when the U.S. Senate votes to set aside the third Monday in January to honor the birth (January 15, 1929) of the civil-rights leader. 1982 John DeLorean The auto manufacturer is arrested for possession of 59 pounds of cocaine with intent to distribute. He pleaded not guilty and was later acquitted. 1976 New U.S. Copyright law Pres. Ford signs into law the first major revision since 1909. It extended the copyright to 50 years after the authors death and made provisions for photocopying and television broadcasting. 1965 Ku Klux Klan The House Committee on Un-American Activities begins public hearings on the Ku Klux Klan. This was the first public investigation by the committee which didnt concern communism. 1952 Atlantic Crossing Frenchman, Alain Bombard, begins his solo voyage across the Atlantic Ocean in a 15-foot long boat with almost no provisions. He survived by eating raw fish and plankton, although he still lost 55 pounds. He completed his journey on December 23. He just wanted to prove that it could be done. 1936 First around-the-world airplane passenger race Herbert Roslyn Ekins - after using only commercial flying routes - returns to Lakehurst, New Jersey. He and two other reporters had begun the race on September 30th. 1919 First Distinguished Service Medal Awarded to a Woman Salvation Army commander Evangeline Booth is awarded the honor. 1911 First Airplane Flight Across the U.S. from West to East Robert Grant Fowler departs Los Angeles, arriving in Jacksonville, Florida in February of the following year. 1904 New York City mounted police The famous horse patrol begins service. 1860 Abraham Lincoln The future U.S. President responds to an 11-year-old girls letter suggesting he should grow a beard. He stated it would be silly to start growing one; but he did so anyway. 1790 First battle fought by U.S. troops 400 troops from the newly formed Union attack 150 Indians northwest of Ohio, and are forced into retreat. 1781 American Revolution Cornwallis surrenders to Gen. Washington at Yorktown, ending the last major battle of the War. 1752 Ben Franklin Flies a Kite Franklin describes his famous experiment, proving that lighting and electricity are related, in Pennsylvania Gazette. 1533 End of the World German Monk, mathematician, inventor of an early form of logarithms, and coiner of the term exponent Michael Stifel predicted Judgment Day and end of the world for this date. Many of the townsfolk, believing his prediction, did not plant crops or store foods and burned their homes and possessions when the day came. Afterwards, Stifel had to be taken into protective custody with the villagers chanting death threats outside his cell.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 12:23:10 +0000

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