THIS DAY IN THE HISTORY OF THE SUNSHINE STATE (Post appears one day before actual date) AUGUST 10 1565 “With an agreeable and clear day we arrived in at the port of Puerto Rico, Friday the day of the good-fortuned Saint Lawrence. About three in the afternoon we entered and within the port we found our Capitana and its smaller companion ship that separated from us earlier. The cries of joy from all sides were inexpressible, praising the Lord for bringing us together again. At once the Captain and the Ensign joined us and we celebrated with them some preserves and other things I had brought. The Same day the Admiral [Menendez] and I went ashore and visited the General by whom we were warmly received. Since I had not been requested for supper that night, the next day the General asked me to stay in a good house so that we could talk together; and I expressed my appreciation. We were in port four days, three days of it pouring rain. Francisco Lopez de Mendoza Grajales, Laudonniere and Fort Caroline. 1861 The Third Florida Infantry was mustered into Confederate service today on Amelia Island. 1862 (This selection is taken from - “Rose Cottage Chronicles: Civil War Letters of the Bryant-Stephens Family of North Florida”--edited by Arch Frederic Blakey, Ann Smith Lainhart, and Winston Bryant Stephens, Jr. Published by the University Press of Florida [Available through The Print Shoppe at Alma Clyde Field Library of Florida History—ThePrintShoppe35@aol]--this collection of more than 800 letters offers an unusual look at service in the Confederate military and life on the home front. Periodically we will quote from these letters and cite them simply as “Rose Cottage Chronicles.”--Nick Wynne, Moderator.) [George Bryant to Davis Bryant] Rose Cottage Aug 10, 1862 My dear Brother. As Henry wrote Willie a short time ago, and told him about every thing, I think it is time for me to try and tell you something about what we do here in this part of the world. This morning Henry, Willie Stephens, and I went to see if we couldn’t get a few gallons of Alligator oil; but we did not succeed in getting any; Henry shot at a fine fellow with Winston’s riffle, we do’nt know whether he hit him or not, but we think he did, we did not see any more of him. Henry and Willie have gone fishing...They took Taylor and the gun expecting to kill some squirrels, Henry has killed four out that way lately; Rosa is very fond of them, when she sees Henry bringing them she says, Henry got querrel... Sunday morning. Henry and Willie got back yesterday a little while after sunset and brought fifty three fish, they were small but sweet. They killed a very large fox as they were coming back; he had quite a fight with Taylor after he fell. Mr. Stephens went up to the Ocklawaha River and killed a fine bear; he has just sent us a piece. All send a great deal of love. 1864 Confederate cavalry and a detachment of the 102nd U.S. Colored Infantry clashed near Baldwin (north Florida). A section of railroad tracks was destroyed by the Federal troops. This was part of a series of on-going clashes between the two armies. 1898 U.S. General Lawton was appointed Military Governor of Cuba, while in Puerto Rico, the town of Coamo was captured by American troops. President William McKinley submitted a protocol to Spain outlining the terms upon which the United States was willing to end the Spanish-American War. 1956 Elvis Presley continued his tour of Florida cities, but his two-night stand in Jacksonville created a cultural confrontation between older conservatives and members of the younger generation. See pophistorydig/?tag=elvis-presley-florida-theater 1970 Jim Morrisons trial for allegedly exposing himself onstage in Miami, was scheduled to start today, but the presiding judge rescheduled it for August 12. See https://thedoors/news/jim-morrison-charged-lewd-behavior-miami-concert-842 1981 The severed head of young Adam Walsh was discovered today in a canal near Vero Beach. See history/this-day-in-history/child-found-decapitated
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 10:06:31 +0000

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