THIS GOVERNMENT CAN’T MANAGE IT’S CURRENT OBLIGATIONS ….. AND SOME OF YOU IDIOTS THINK THEY CAN MANAGE A NATION WIDE HEALTH CARE PROGRAM, JEEEESE, ARE YA STUPID????? According to the graph I saw, the sequestration law that went into effect, was supposed to cut proposed spending in the federal government. Proposed. Hmmmmmm….. My position and others that I work with have been in place for at least 29 years ( “I” started in 1984 ), Our salaries have been cut 20% ( 16 hrs per 80 hr pay period). We agree to work for our wages, we “existing” employees get a cut. The “freebee” programs that a lot of able bodied people partake of receive no decrease in funds, aide still goes to the muslin rebels, F-16’s still go to a questionable government in Egypt, grants still go out by the MILLIONS to study how babies react to robots and such, ………… manage a nation wide health car program, GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 22:44:43 +0000

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