****THIS IS A CRITICAL ALERT FOR ALL MILITIA ORGANIZATION FROM COAST TO COAST TO BECOME AWARE OF!!! SPREAD THIS INFORMATION FAR AND WIDE ... !!!**** It seems like all sorts of exponentially critical assertations toward force positioning is being brought into play today folks. I just reviewed an article I believe we should put rhetorically into a more accurate perspective as leaning towards Americans who are known to be involved in organized militia operations that include an active outreach of recruitment that is understood to be for the training, practical application of, as well as implimentation of combat readiness within their jurisdictions as being the true targets of interest that are being targeted by Eric Holders announcement, and not islamic terrorist recruitments purportedly being done within our country being its focus... see for yourself and replace islamic recruitment with that of militia recruitment... understanding that within every published article concerning the Militia within our country the MSM blatantly have depicted our militias as domestic terrorist, grouped together as racists who have nothing but hatred within thier hearts for America and therefore are being demonized as such, with the Southern Poverty Law Center at the center of this deplorably disinformative assault... one that once again is assaulting the very fabric of guarantees our constitution governs as a critically existing force multiplier that will keep the tyrants at bay STAY FROSTY BROTHERS AND SISTERS... THINGS ARE IN DOUBLE TIME MOTION RIGHT NOW AND IM SENSING THE BLITZKRIEG BY THE HAIRS WARNING ME OF IT THAT ARE STANDING UP ON THE BACK OF MY NECK!!! politico/blogs/under-the-radar/2014/09/feds-step-up-terrorist-recruitment-fight-in-us-195459.html?ml=po_r
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 04:55:53 +0000

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