THIS IS A LONG POST. IF YOU DONT HAVE TIME TO READ IT ALL PLEASE COME BACK. Today is Back and Bis! i havent done this workout in awhile and am excited to see how much heavier i can go now :) plus aiming for 35 burpees today... now if i can just get my legs to bend enough to let me move around a little bit everything would be awesome! Leg Day...gotta love it! while im drinking my second breakfast, the first was mini protein pancakes with blueberries, i really want to hop on my soapbox about consistency in diet. please bare with me. Lets Get Real. Sorry if I unintentionally offend anyone, I did not mean to Im just trying to give insight and hopefully help anyone who needs an Ah-Ha moment. OK. I have always been a skinny person. I do not know what it is like to loose or want to loose 100 or more pounds. I do not know what it is like to be obese or overweight. I do know that people in my family (on both sides) have dealt or are dealing with these issues and all the complications that come from these issues. I do know that drive and determination and will power will get you everywhere. I also know that asking for help along the way is the bravest thing anyone can do. The heaviest I have EVER been was 175-180 when I was preggo. Before I was preggo I weighted in at 105 - 108. Do the math, thats a 70-72 pound gain. Most of this happened within the last month of being preggo. and the docs thought I had diabetes. Turned out i didnt and it was just excessive water weight which came off as soon as i gave birth. sorry no birthing stories here, that is a whole other discussion. Within a year, my weight was at 120 and holding. I weighted in at 120 until 7 - 8 years ago when i became addicted to OREOS. I would literally eat a whole package by myself and then go to Dairy Queen and get oreo blizzards. EVERY WEEKEND! my weight went up to almost 140 and I felt like shit. my knees hurt, my back hurt, my stomach hurt and my head hurt. a total body ache had set in and I felt like an 80 year old women. I suffered from insomnia, constipation, migraines and lethargy. My stomach hurt so bad that I couldnt eat anything other than chicken, apples, lettuce, sometimes oatmeal (which sometimes hurt) and warm water... yum! but I got my daily dose of oreos... go figure. I exercised EVERY DAY with NO results other than a strained Achilles tendon. In order to keep this saga under 10 pages Im going to skip a few years. Your welcome! I ordered Insanity. became a vegetarian, then a vegan then just decided to really pay attention to what I was eating. After reading many inspirational stories from Shaun T and hearing/seeing how much he cares about people that he has never met, I had my wake up call. My Ah-Ha moment (as Oprah says) during a discussion on his page about food/sugar addictions. I was doing research on clean diets and eating and decided to give it a try. Out went the fried foods, fast foods, sweets and goodies. OUT WENT THE OREOS!!! I replaced my whole diet with fresh fruits and veggies, frozen (no salt added) fruits and veggies. ground turkey breast and buffalo. Ground in front of my eyes so I know that there is no funky stuff added in. And I ordered shakeology and take that daily. (read the back posts about how this has helped me) I created a FitPal account to actually see what I was eating and how bad or good it was for me. Breaking the Oreo habit was the hardest thing that I have done. It has taken forever to accomplish and just recently I have fully recovered from this. Yes, that is addict talk and that is what I was. I stay consistent in my eating now with the exception of an occasional hamburger and fries (they dont hurt my stomach!!). I have an exercise routine that I enjoy. I am not trying to kill myself by endless amount of exercise. I have a routine that I stick with and have seen results. I track all my calories and macros to make sure that I stay on track with the goals that I have set for myself. Macros are the fat, carb and protein intake. for example I am on a 30%, 30%, 40%. for the cut phase of my workout. 30: fats 30: carbs 40: protein Ill be honest, I havent hit all three perfectly yet but Im working on it. Please be aware of the kinds of food that you are putting in your body. Food WILL affect your overall state of mind, health and you might even be inflamed (internally) by some of the food that you are eating. I have been experimenting with different types of foods to see how my body reacts to them. for example: chocolate. My whole body hates it! By eating or drinking chocolate it causes my pipe issues and I feel so swollen up and bloated. the same is true for regular milk besides the swollen feeling I also will have excessive mucus ( which is absolutely disgusting!). so I know that I have to cut these out of my diet, in order to feel better, so I did. Hamburger meat sometimes will give me pain in my stomach depending on how it is cooked (not the double over kind of pain from before but more of a nauseous feeling) so I try not to eat it. Im working on cutting this out completely. We are all works in progress but staying consistent with your food and exercise will benefit you in the long run. short term goals as in loosing 10-15 pounds are fine but be honest, TRUELY HONEST with yourself about your long term goals. what are they? what happens when you lose the weight? will you fall back into your old habits? are the new healthy habits that you have created enough to guide you through the rest of your life? what can you do to improve diet or exercise wise? are you really committed? make a list, write it down, tack it to your wall and believe that you CAN accomplish what you have written. just like one bad meal wont make you fat, one really terrific workout wont make you skinny. you have to stay focused and committed to the progress and to your goals. but most importantly you have to stay committed to yourself. BELIEVE AND YOU WILL ACHIEVE!!! Stepping off the soapbox now. I know that you are relieved. :) I just hope that I sparked some kind of revelation within or at least opened a topic for discussion... happy workouts!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 16:31:56 +0000

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