THIS IS A LONG POST because it covers a tender subject- Why are - TopicsExpress


THIS IS A LONG POST because it covers a tender subject- Why are there so many troubled, lukewarm Christians, 2000 years later? Most Christians would answer this by using the words of other people telling us about Jesus. They would use a little from Peter, James and John and a great deal from Paul. They may even use the Old Testament. I can assure you that only a FEW would use the words from Jesus. I dont say this lightly I say this as an observer who has read over 1000 plus FB post as well as counseling with 100s of troubled Christians. Theres a big difference when we listen to the student of the Teacher compared to listening to the Teacher, Himself. Ive read what Peter, James, John and Paul said about Jesus and ive read WHAT JESUS SAID .... His words are uniquely different. Most biblical teachers whove become acadamically licensed Ministers, Pastors, Preachers and Evangelists have been trained based on what Apostle Paul mostly and then the Disciples but only a little from JESUS. (they tell HIS STORY with soundbites but not strict obedience to Him) Many have been influenced by their denomination deciding what was relevant and what they thought wasnt they avoided. When Martin Luther made his break from the catholic church and took the Bible to the masses its said they trimmed the Bible to suit what they believed over the catholics. The Holy Bible we use now is what they call the real BIBLE. Even though the OT it different from the Torah as well the catholic bible. Today, there are many teachers who try to burden us with knowing the whole Bible by saying all the stories are relevant no matter what and equal to one another in content and importance and thats not the whole truth. (it leaves the average Christian overwhelmed instead of peaceful inChrist) The OT tells us the Christ is coming- and there are some Prophets who tell us about the end-times to come. Some of the stories are for examples to follow and some are to be avoided. Some tell the stories of history pertaining to God and the jewish people. Then the NT, with the Letters from the Apostles they tell us about Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. They tell us of their direct experience with Jesus and Paul tells us about meeting HIM on the road to Damascus. (they clearly make these statements in their letters) These letters are very important because while they were alive they all taught in the churches and when they left- they also wrote back to them after visiting. Just as you and I would IF we visited someone and told them about Jesus. In our explanation about Jesus Christ we might have helped convert them to Christianity and afterwards we would write them reminding them what we said. However if Jesus came to their home directly and taught them- I trust they would be focused more on WHAT JESUS SAID and less on what anyone else might have said about HIM. When Peter, James and Paul were killed for their belief, the HOLY SPIRIT then guided Mark, Matthew, Luke and John (in that order) to write the 4 Gospels so the whole world would know WHAT JESUS SAID. John wrote his Gospel and Revelation about 20 plus years after all the others died. Now, it doesnt take a genius to see the 4 Gospels tell the whole story about Jesus as well as teaching us exactly WHAT JESUS SAID. Its clear to see what Jesus tells us to do- to be HIS DISCIPLE, is uniquely different than what were being taught today. Its basically like HIS APOSTLES in the letters they wrote however Jesus teaches without excuse for our continued sinning as He said sin no more. He also taught, that if you didnt stay with HIM as a branch grafted to the vine- and obey HIS commandments, and do GODS WILL that we will not be with HIM in GODS Kingdom. Thats serious! I believe the reason so many Christians are still struggling is because theyve been taught to struggle instead of being taught to be obedient. As a Disciple of Jesus, Im not allowed to focus on what everyone else is saying about Jesus. Im told to teach what He said and HIS words are printed in RED to signify HIS BLOOD that was shed for our sins. Were in the end-times and very few would argue that however they do argue over who we should follow. Do we follow what Paul said or what Jesus said. If youre familiar with what Paul said about Jesus then you might even say Paul wouldnt want his words to over shadow the words of Jesus Christ. I think it would bother him greatly because Paul taught what he knew, as a Pharisee guided by the Holy Spirit. At the time, there were no writings associated with Jesus. However after they ALL died, the 4 Gospels were written and everyone had the words spoken directly by Jesus Christ. IF you want to have a place in Heaven then its time we learn WHAT JESUS SAID and become HIS Disciple. We can use the words of the Apostles for our learning and for examples to follow or avoid, as we can the OT however within any one of the 4 Gospels well find enough to be saved, become HIS DISCIPLE and be prepared for the end times without fear, worry or doubts. When we learn what our Lord, Savior and Master Teacher said we truly become HIS student and then we become HIS DISCIPLE when we (do) follow HIS COMMANDMENTS and treat one another with Love. (Thats how we know whos Christian) I encourage you to begin your study of Christianity based on WHAT JESUS SAID in HIS GOSPELS and to show GOD by your obedience to Jesus that you are HIS by example and not just words alone as this is insufficient. When we really believe in Jesus Christ, as our Lord, Savior and Master Teacher, then well treat HIM accordingly and not act so weak, fearful and scared at the same time. If weve repented then were forgiven and if our repentance is true, then our forgiveness is true. Only then will we be able to attend HIS CLASS and learn from Him as a student would their Teacher. Jesus said this about being HIS DISCIPLE- A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is perfectly trained will be like his teacher.- AND- If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Please take the time today, this week, this month, to commit yourself to reading the 4 Gospels and when you read WHAT JESUS SAID to those who were following HIM, then youll begin to see the difference. If you want to know THE TRUTH that makes you truly free, then focus on WHAT JESUS SAID because He is the Way, the TRUTH and the LIFE. To be like HIM, we must know HIM and when we know what HE SAID, we will finally begin to get to know what he wants from us to be HIS. PEACE BE WITH YOU- * Feel free to share with those who are struggling in their walk with Jesus.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 22:23:17 +0000

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