THIS IS A MUST READ! I want to preface that the problem isnt - TopicsExpress


THIS IS A MUST READ! I want to preface that the problem isnt really the 1%, its thee .01%, I know plenty of people in the 1% who say that Occupy is right but theyre too scared to speak up because those who have a lot also have a lot to lose. Notice that when you see someone in the 1% speak up theyre almost always retired. Anyway this article is combination of things weve talking about since at least the 1975 prophetic novel Ecotopia and my sources in the 1% have been telling me about people power, how if everyone in the world just stands up non-violently and refuses to cooperate with corruption then the power of the .01% will crumble because there simply arent enough of them to enforce it. Heres a couple of paragraphs of interview, but please do read the entire thing: But we need more than revolution, in the sense of overthrow, to effect change, surely. How does your manifesto for open source everything fit into this? The west has pursued an industrialisation path that allows for the privatisation of wealth from the commons, along with the criminalisation of commons rights of the public, as well as the externalisation of all true costs. Never mind that fracking produces earthquakes and poisons aquifers – corrupt politicians at local, state or province, and national levels are all too happy to take money for looking the other way. Our entire commercial, diplomatic, and informational systems are now cancerous. When trade treaties have secret sections – or are entirely secret – one can be certain the public is being screwed and the secrecy is an attempt to avoid accountability. Secrecy enables corruption. So also does an inattentive public enable corruption. Is this a crisis of capitalism, then? Does capitalism need to end for us to resolve these problems? And if so, how? Predatory capitalism is based on the privatisation of profit and the externalisation of cost. It is an extension of the fencing of the commons, of enclosures, along with the criminalisation of prior common customs and rights. What we need is a system that fully accounts for all costs. Whether we call that capitalism or not is irrelevant to me. But doing so would fundamentally transform the dynamic of present day capitalism, by making capital open source. For example, and as calculated by my colleague JZ Liszkiewicz, a white cotton T-shirt contains roughly 570 gallons of water, 11 to 29 gallons of fuel, and a number of toxins and emissions including pesticides, diesel exhaust, and heavy metals and other volatile compounds – it also generally includes child labor. Accounting for those costs and their real social, human and environmental impacts has totally different implications for how we should organise production and consumption than current predatory capitalism.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 17:42:19 +0000

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