THIS IS A POST I POSTED SEPTEMBER 2, 2012.... Many have been - TopicsExpress


THIS IS A POST I POSTED SEPTEMBER 2, 2012.... Many have been talking about how all of a sudden people wanna talk about depression and mental health.... LET ME CORRECT YOU... YOU WERE JUST NOT PAYING ATTENTION!!! ... I AM A PERSON WHO BATTLES DEPRESSION... IT IS REAL!! I have heard many say things in reference to ROBIN WILLIAMS DEATH like thats stupid. He had money, fame and career or he had money what was there to be depressed about.., For those who dont have money they believe it will bring happiness and some that have it are still looking for it. I know for some suicide doesnt make sense and you maybe clueless about the battle BUT THIS IS REALLY A SENSITIVE SPOT FOR ME. When you work in industries where image is consistently being judged it can be difficult to see your good qualities. The reason ROBIN WILLIAMS death is so HUGE is because he was a comedic actor who brought us smiles, laughter, joy and some motivation...and though he was able to supply us with that he was not able to offer that to himself. He like most artist probably depended on his art like oxygen LIVING in those moments and EXISTING in between. The in between can be some of the most darkest place you have ever been and you cant seem to get out. It was October 2004 I was diagnosed clinically depressed and though to others it may seem like doom it actually was a weight lifted off my shoulder ... Because I could now identify it and establish methods to beat it.... AND ITS STILL A CHALLENGE SOMEDAYS. I always say A PERSON ONLY DIES WHEN HIS PURPOSE IS FULFILLED so if for no other purpose ROBIN WILLIAMS life should remind us 1) People will hide pain behind a smile 2) Some people laugh to keep from crying 3) Some people give so much of themselves because that is the only way they see their own value.... AND WE SHOULD MAKE SURE THAT IF WE ARE TAKING SOMETHING WE SHOULD MAKE SURE WE ARE NOT DEPLETING! 4) We as a community should educate ourselves so we may identify the symptoms in ourselves and those around us ... And finally.... 5) In the words of Maya Angelou people will forget what you said, they will forget what you did but they will never forget how you made them feel... We are hurt because ROBIN WILLIAMS made us feel good .. DO NOT LET HIS LIFE BE IN VAIN.. Make it your business to make each person you encounter feel special ... You never know in that moment your hug, smile or words could be saving a life. THINK about it ... BE inspired and ... GET U SOME!!! ROBIN WILLIAMS FINALLY REST IN PEACE!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 20:07:18 +0000

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