THIS IS A RESPONSE THAT HAS BEEN SENT TO A FRIEND, IN REFERECE TO THE RECENT MEDIA ABOUT HAVING A BAN LUNCH TIME STUDY PRAYER GROUPS OR RELIGIOUS CLUB GROUPS AT SCHOOL. tHIS IS A HUGE WIN AND GREAT ANSWER TO PRAYER. Thank you, for your email and your deep concern. I apologise for taking time to get back to you; however, like you, I was somewhat surprised by the Ministerial Order, and have been working behind the scenes to get clarity from the Minister so this matter could be answered fully. I am now happy to report that the Minister for Education, The Hon Martin Dixon MP, has since directed his Department to amend its policy guidance to be consistent with the Governments intent; that is, it was never the Governments intention to ban lunchtime study prayer groups or religious club groups at school. Accordingly, it will be clear that students are also free to bring religious materials and texts to school and may also form religious lunchtime clubs with other students who share their mutual interest. Further, these groups are able to invite guests to speak with them just like any other student group or club. I am pleased that common sense has prevailed and that I have been able to obtain clarification. Finally, as your current Upper House Member of Parliament for the Eastern Metropolitan Region and No 3 on the Liberal ticket, my re-election will be crucial for the future of this issue and other similar Christian issues that you may raise with me. I look forward to your support. regards Richard The Hon Richard Dalla-Riva MLC Chair - Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee Chair - Standing Committee on Environment and Planning - Legislation Committee State Member for Eastern Metropolitan Region richarddalla-riva
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 01:38:30 +0000

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