THIS IS A VERY SERIOUS AND SOLEMN OATH, AND IT IS NOT ONE THAT WE ARE EVER EXEMPT FROM ONCE WE TAKE IT 1) ALLEGIANCE TO OUR CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, meaning we swear to support and defend the CONSTITUTION 2) ONE NATION, meaning we swear to defend our country from foreign influence and invasion 3) UNDER GOD, meaning we swear to defend our Lord Jesus Christ, in whose name the Constitution was sealed at its very end (In the Name of Our Lord 1787) moral principles and His doctrine that teaches that all men have the right to worship who, what or where they desire, whether it be Him or not, and they shall not have that freedom of religion abridged as long it is based in charity and is non-violent 4) INDIVISIBLE, meaning we will not tolerate the efforts of foreign or criminal influences to divide or conquer us 5) LIBERTY, meaning we swear to support and defend freedom of thought, word, the press, property, family and the right to bear and use arms to defend ourselves, as well as we swear to support and defend our Constitution, state and local governments from the tyrannical imposition of rogue criminal elements within the federal government, and vice versa; and that we support in general liberty for all 6) JUSTICE, meaning we swear to hold accountable before the law all those who seek to take away freedom and liberty from this land, either foreign or domestic, and that we swear to support and defend the principles and legal supremacy of the 1787 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the BILL OF RIGHTS and the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, as well as the moral Justice of our Lord Jesus Christ, in whose name our Republic is sealed and upon whose foundation our government, society and land rest.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 09:46:57 +0000

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