THIS IS ALL ABOUT SHARING GUYS.... SO PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH AS MANY AS YOU CAN......... URGENT URGENT URGENT HELP NEEDED TO STOP 2nd EVICTION ATTEMPT Friday 23rd January 2015 at 10:00 3 Fearn Chase, Carlton, Nottingham, NG4 1DN ************************************************************** After a threatening, noisy, intimidating, disturbing of the peace 5am visit by bailiffs to the home of TOM CRAWFORD in Nottingham a couple of days ago, Tom’s house is once again under threat of being illegally stolen away from him next Friday 23rd January 2015 at 10am! Over the last 25 years Tom has paid the mortgage company, the Bradford and Bingley, 3 times the original value of his house yet they say he owes it all again and are threatening to throw him and his family out onto the street with nothing! Apart from the fact Tom is not a well man and has been a hard working law abiding citizen all his life, apart from all that, anyone with half an ounce of compassion and knowing what is right can see plainly that this so assuredly is so very very wrong! Are you prepared to stand back and do nothing while this act of pure greed, corruption and evil is allowed to take place? MANY OF US ARE NOT!! If this makes your blood boil and you can see that if we carry on to allow these people to continually do what is wrong then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE join the already large numbers of people prepared to put their bodies where their mouths are next Friday and if you are unable to come along then please SPREAD THE WORD WIDE AND FAR to others who can! Let’s make this day one to go down in history as a time when we all stood together in many numbers to do what is right! Tom’s latest video hot off the press today is available below as are his original videos from the 1st eviction attempt underneath……. Eviction Fraud of the banks 1 of 3 https://youtube/watch?v=WedSGlpSSO8 2 of 3 https://youtube/watch?v=6qLB-nkCZwc 3 of 3 After the event follow up https://youtube/watch?v=f2XBBwZxSc0 This is the link to the Facebook Event Page to show your support if you can attend on the day https://facebook/events/343446269192263/?fref=ts WWW.CRYFREEDOMRADIO.COM I will be hosting a SPECIAL SHOW about all this on The Cry Freedom Show next Wednesday 21st January 2015 from 8pm UK TIME, for the purpose of highlighting the case and bringing people together, I hope to include an interview with DAVE WITCHER and also news about a group of activists who have recently taken over a council owned horticultural centre left to rack and ruin and are dong amazing things with it……. and much more! TOGETHER WE ARE STRONG! Much love and respect Lisa xxx
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 19:26:09 +0000

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