THIS IS AN ARTICLE THAT WAS PUBLISHED MONTHS BACK WHY THE PRESIDENT SHOULD BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR FAILURES AND LAPSES IN GOVERNMENT Email: philipsaah@yahoo Mobile: 0886949727 A few days ago I was fortunate to have been in the company of some guys that work with the World Bank office in Monrovia. Among the issues of concern raised was the lack of transparency and ineptness in government. The concerns focus on all aspects of government, that is, the legislature, executive and judiciary. But the biggest concern was the executive which is the administrative arm of government. In every country, whether a democracy, authoritarian, military, milicracy (it is a form of government that incorporates some elements of military regulations, decrees and democratic principles. This term was coined by Phillip Saa Tali, Jr), aristocracy or communism, the president is seen, perceived and believed to be the focus person, leader, inspiration and direct picture of a nation. The president, head of state, Monarch, dictator, the prime minister is the vision, leader, and the director of a country’s foreign and domestic policies. In other words, the president is a leader of great influence in social, political and economic sectors of a country. The late Mao Zedong of the People Republic of China, who is considered the most successful leader of his country, influenced the political and social lives of the people. His policies on foreign and domestic policies have led to China being the worlds second largest economic and scientific/technological giant. His stand on corruption and virtue among public officials has led to the minimization of corruption and regulations on public funding. Abraham Lincoln of the United States policies on one America and the eradication of slavery has seen his country become (or perceived to be) a role model in democratic practices world over. Today the United States has a black president. Mahatma Gandhi of Indias actions and policies on colonization and white rule led to the freedom of India from Little Britain. The people of Liberia through their constitution practiced the presidential system of government borrowed from the United States of America (the United States was the first country to have invented such a democratic system). In this form of government, the president practices multiples of roles; head of states, head of government and commander in chief of the armed forces. As Head of government, he/she is the head of the executive or the administrative branch of government. Apart from the responsibility of making appointments and dismissing officials, judges and security officers in government, the president is there to ensure that laws made by the legislative branch are obeyed. The president approves Bills that s/he agrees with, but can refuse to sign them if he is in opposition to the proposed laws,but with reasons which he/she has to communicate. The president is helped in his executive role by the vice president, the cabinet and agencies, all of which are under his/her full authority. As head of government, all government officials ultimately report to him/her. As head of state, the president has diplomatic duties. The president can negotiate and sign treaties with leaders of other countries and international organizations. However, these treaties must go through the legislature for approval. And as Commander -in- Chief of the armed forces of Liberia, the president has the power to send troops out to fight, but must get the approval of legislature. But apart from the above obligations, the constitution (Article 58) of Liberia also mandates the president at the beginning of the year to address the people through in parliament in a speech where he/she details past programs and projects implemented by the government and treaties signed and approved. Also in that state of the nation address, the president must outline programs she intends to implement in the coming year. With such vast responsibilities, obligations and opportunities given the president there is no reasons why a president of Liberia should fail to effectively execute his or her own agenda. The first state of the republic address by the president must be critically examined. And most often, the end of the first year can determine if the government will succeed or not. This we have seen in many leaders around the world. Examples of such leaders include Presidents Obama whom I dare say finds himself in a very complex political environment where all aspects Machiavellian politics are played. He is surrounded with a highly educated and experienced legislature that is divided into two political blocs (Republicans and Democrats). Depending on which side of the divide the president comes from, but in the case for Obama, the Republicans greatest goal is to sabotage the sitting president blocking him from successfully implementing his programs and to return to power (the republican party in the legislature intend to seize state power in the 2017 presidential election). But our very own President Sirleaf is fortunate to have found herself in the midst of a very simple, inexperienced, unprofessional, unpatriotic, money obsessed legislators that do not understand the working of the legislature, not to mention the government! A legislature over the last eight years that has never really scrutinized the budgets from the executive, nor studied treaties, contracts and negotiations generated from the administrative arm of government. So it becomes very easy for the president to cleverly and successfully achieve her goals and leave a lasting legacy. But unfortunately the Madam is still hallucinating. In her first inaugural address in 2006 to the people of Liberia entitled, “PAPA NA CAN”, the president declared war on corruption, reducing the government into a small considerable level; reducing poverty to its minimum level; providing social services (like electricity, drinking water, good roads) to the people in the shortest period; upgrading the educational system; improving the health care system and creating jobs. After nine solid years in power, President ELLEN JOHNSON SIRLEAF is yet to show Liberians and the world what she has done to improve the lives of her citizens. To make matters worse, sometimes last year the presidential Press Secretary was bold enough to tell the nation and the world on one of the radio station talk shows (Truth F.M.) that all the international community does for Liberia was /is due to their support to the Madam Ellen Sirleaf. This statement from a government official surprises political commentators. How can a creature becomes greater than its creator? But if this is so true then the argument made by some Liberians that the international community manipulated the 2005 elections in favor of Madam Sirleaf is true. But if we should buy the Press Secretarys argument then, why has the international community refused to exterminate all the nation’s debt (Liberia still owe about $2 Billion Dollars) ? If this is so, why did the World Bank give the government of Burma 2 billion Dollars ($Two hundred million dollars is expected to be spent on Burma’s energy sector) but yet to give its darling girl a direct sum of FIVE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS to meet up with some of her majors needs? if this is so ,why did the United States government not assist Liberia in her quest for power generation when according to the Press Secretary Jerrilimic Pear, Bill Clinton told the President to only ask and it will be done? To summarize, Mr. Pears statement, one can say either both the president and her officials do not have the negotiation skills, or if they have it, then the international influence we perceive the president to have had is an illusion. In 2008 when President Barack Obama was contesting for the presidency of the United States of America, his policies on health care for all Americans and to bring American soldiers back home led to his election. Today those policies have been implemented redardless for some expected minor challenges. Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany promised her nation a strong economy and an influential Germany in Europe and the world. Today the bailout policy of some European countries testifies and demonstrates her campaign promises. The late Mohamed Gaddafi of Libya assured his nation of the eradication of poverty and the removal of Western influence over his countrys natural resources. By the time of his death Libyas poverty had reduced to 10% and Western influence had disappeared. Unfortunately things have turned out the opposite in Liberia. All the president’s promises, programs and projects are yet to be visible. And if there has been any foreign development, it is due to their sympathy for the people of Liberia. But government owned initiatives have become difficult to implement and completed successfully (these include the much talk about Belle Yalla Road Project; pavement of streets in Voijanma in Lofa; the reconciliation project fund that was converted for another project or was never implemented; the project for the assessment of the new city). I was shocked recently when the Managing Director of the Liberia Water Sewage Corporation told the nation that the government is incapable of providing drinking water to the city alone. After nine years in power in a country that has vast rivers, creeks, lagoons, sea, lakes and swamps, the government cannot supply water to a city of about 1.5 million people. This is ludicrous! Also in a speech to the nation before the legislature, the president boasted of the Equatorial Guinea Housing Project to Liberia. Can one imagine a poverty country like Equatorial Guinea building an estate for Liberia when her own citizens cannot afford lodging? This is another clever attempt by government official (s) from that country to solidify, validate, legalize and legitimize his or her looting of wealth. This year again, the Madam has come boldly promising the nation heavenly projects. Under normal circumstances one would have expected the president’s speech to have had input from the president herself, some of her able ministers, and well qualified advisors. Though most of what was mentioned (like the president boasting of a car washing) was not worth been spoken about, yet we will give her the benefits of the doubt to prove herself wrong again. In her speech she once again promised power generation which was promised many years ago to be fulfilled in 2014 but never to be. It has now been shifted to another date. Also, when the government should be implementing educational and agricultural projects, the president is still setting up committees to look into these sectors after nine years in power. Does this ring any bells? In fact, from her speech it simply shows that either the Madam has no idea of what was written in her speech or she has lost touch with what should be her mandate. To conclude, we advice the president to restructure her policies by focusing on projects that will have direct impact on the lives of citizens in the rural communities; wear her iron jacket of projects monitoring and also monitor her officials; make the various anti-corruption agencies very effective by reviewing audit reports and prosecute those that warrant prosecution. The people of Liberia and the world have had enough of your governance and United Nations oratory, what we need now is ACTION. Phillip Saa Tali, Jr is a concern Liberian scholar and political commentator that have lost trust in the government of Liberia. He has a Master degree in International Relations and Diplomacy and has written extensively on Liberia government and political activities.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 09:54:27 +0000

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