THIS, IS AN IMPORTANT VIDEO PRESENTATION, CONCERNING US ALL. While Doug Batchelor is 100% on the ball in this video, it does not mean that subsequent videos are 100% correct. He is a leading pastor in the Seventh day Adventist Church, + therefore has NOT stepped-away from the “names of blasphemy” nor of the Trinity doctrine they support. One CANNOT believe in the Lord God trinity, + also believe in Father sending His Son to die for our sins. The two concepts TOTALLY contradict each other. We are to CHOOSE leave the LIE, + stand for the TRUTH! God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, are ALL Gentile / foreign labels that confuse + lose the essence of scripture. Nowhere in the entire Hebrew Bible are we EVER called to worship GOD. The name GOD, belongs to Baal God. And Baal, means Lord. So, the Lord God is a satanic substitute for YHWE ALUEHIM, who alone we must worship, thru His Son YAHUSHO, HMushiac (The Messiah). The Lord God, has replaced YHWE ALUEHIM, 6,823 times. Even the Greek word Christ, has T of Tammuz god-king of Babel, unnecessarily added. Is our Savior the anointed of T -Tammuz? NO! So WE MUST stop fooling around with names of devils, scrape-away Satans blasphemous substitute names, stand up + be counted for the glorious King of Kings! HE presents to us in pure names of YHWE language, NOT to be trampled-on, + replaced by the names of pagan idols. Daniel 7:25 foretold the rise of the papacy as an arrogant, boastful body; “FULL OF NAMES OF BLASPHEMY,” said Yahusho at Rev 17:3. We are to “Come out of her My people, so you NOT participate in her sins, so you NOT receive of her plagues, for her sins have piled up to Heaven, + ALUEHIM remembers her iniquities.” 18:4-5. Protestantism obeyed, + came out of the Catholic Church, + now theyre racing back in. Are YOU worshiping in the names of GOD + JESUS CHRIST? If so, then YOU are destined to receive of her plagues, for they are – said your Savior, “names of blasphemy.” BELIEVE HIM, or go down with the Catholic whore religion! May YAHUSHOs true LOVE awaken + lead us all to be ready for His return. OUR LIVES depend on it. - HE, IS COMING SOON!
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 10:19:37 +0000

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