THIS IS ANOTHER HAPPY TAILS ADOPTION FROM OUR RESCUE.... Hi, Liz-- I read your post about your arrival at the Ranch four years ago on Christmas Eve. It was very moving, and I wanted to remind you of another anniversary that took place on the same date (but from just one year ago). This Christmas Eve was the first anniversary of Cerises being dumped in the Pinal County shelter. The people who brought her in claimed she had been found wandering in the desert. Whether they were telling the truth or not, somebody dumped her. She had already-healed scars on her head and bilateral cherry-eye. She was about two years old, and seemed in good health, but a dog like that was in the express lane for the e-list. She must have been terrified, and Cerise loves human attention, so she must have been terribly lonely, as well. I cant find the exact date, but sometime mid to late January she came to the Ranch. Donations from Christine and Marlene (at least, they are the only ones I know about) paid for having her eye operations and she was also fixed on February 3, 2014. She did well at the Ranch, but earned the reputation of being a pain in the b... because she always wanted attention or to play. She got along with other dogs, but in her search for human attention, she really could seem endlessly energetic. When I started volunteering in, I think June, Christine and I had her at several adoption events. She was a little scared, was content to spend her time on Christines lap, responded to anyone who would pet her or talk to her (usually by flipping over for a belly rub), and was, overall, perfectly behaved and very people-oriented. Yet no one picked her. She looks weird, with her dwarfed Dachshund legs, green bug-eyes (though now perfect), and scarred apple Chihuahua head. I couldnt understand how people could not see past the externals to her wonderful spirit and desire to connect with and love people. Finally, at the beginning of August, after two visits to get to know DeeDee (formerly Rainy, from the Ranch, as well) and Marlene (as in Dietrich, the cat), she became part of my little family. And her joy and energy touch all our lives. DeeDee (about 10 years old) has become more playful and energetic and loves to play tug of war and tag with this little girl who is one-seventh her size; Marlene (a rescue from the Ark, also about 10 years old) has come to accept her as an incorrigible kitten (I assume); and I have come to love her enthusiasm, affection, playfulness, and intelligence. She can settle on my lap for hours or play fetch or just run around the yard with such joy that its infectious. This Christmas Eve, as we were playing a (really long) game of fetch, I thought about how far shed come in this one year, how much of her spirit carried her through, how many generous, caring people were needed to help her through this journey. You were one of them, and I am very glad you made that trip four years ago. Everybody loves a happy ending. Thanks for all you do. Caren
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 02:56:10 +0000

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