THIS IS DEEP! Hello Zane.... I want to start by saying that I - TopicsExpress


THIS IS DEEP! Hello Zane.... I want to start by saying that I love your books! Please keep my identity unknown. Well my husband and I have been together 7 years and married 3.... We done had our ups and downs. My husband recently went to jail about a year ago and did 6 months for protecting me! While he was in jail everything went smooth. But since he been out my marriage have taken a turn for the worst. He started staying out all night and if not all night damn near all night. Lying about stupid stuff and sometimes he makes me feel like he doesnt want to be here! At times I feel like just leaving and never coming back. Everyone comes before me now. I wonder sometimes if he feels like everything is my fault and that he misses out on 6 months of his life because of me. He says that he still love me and that he wants this marriage to work but I feel otherwise. What am I to do??? I need some advice because I feel like just letting go! MY RESPONSE: You should not let go yet. You need to ask him to go to marital counseling. Six months can seem like six hundred years in some jail systems. You really have no clue what he went through in there. I commend him for protecting your welfare and while I do not know him, I doubt he actually blames you unless there is more to this story. If he is saying that he loves you and he wants the marriage to work, that is a positive thing. He definitely is out of pocket for staying out all night. This is unacceptable and you need to make it clear to him that if he wants his marriage, that behavior ends today. He may be depressed. He may be worried about how a criminal background will affect his ability to provide for his family from her on out. If he is the type of man who has never walked in the criminal world and never expected to ever land in jail, I am sure that was devastating to him to have to serve time. Ask him to seek counseling from either a therapist or a spiritual advisor with you. Good luck and please let me know what happens.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 02:52:35 +0000

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