THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!! A MUST READ!!! Cutting negative - TopicsExpress


THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!! A MUST READ!!! Cutting negative people out of your life is a must if you want to survive... Your Life Is An Exclusive Event The single most important decision you’ll make in life is who you’ll allow into your life. Good and bad behavior is contagious. One study found that emotions circulate through social networks in patterns similar to what’s seen in epidemiological models of the flu virus. Numerically, each positive person you surround yourself with increases your chances of being positive by 11% and each negative person you surround yourself with doubles your chances of being negative. If you don’t actively decide who to surround yourself with, other people will make the decision for you. You can either fight to be around positive, yet difficult people, who challenge you to be a better person, or you can sit back and be suffocated by negative people who will stop at nothing to suck you dry. This may sound harsh but it’s the truth. We’ve all been in deenergizing relationships that made us feel stuck, trapped, stupid, or guilty. Instead of sharpening us, these people infect us with things like impostor syndrome and learned helplessness. The only way to reach your full potential is to start seeing your life as an exclusive event. Here’s the key—you’re the gatekeeper to this event. You’re the bouncer. It’s your responsibility to let some people in and to keep others out. It’s also your job to remove those who no longer belong at the party. This means you have to take stock of who is in your life right now. You have to realize that not everyone is right for you. Some people have your best interests at heart, other’s have a stake they want to put through your heart. How do you tell the difference? The first step to living a more successful and fulfilling life is to recognize the negative people dragging you down and cut them out of your life permanently. Only then will you have room to breath, to think, and to act. The goal here is to create space in your life for new, positive people who will challenge you to find your purpose and fulfill it.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 17:12:37 +0000

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