THIS IS GREAT READING.......EDUCATE YOURSELF!!!! Essential Oil - TopicsExpress


THIS IS GREAT READING.......EDUCATE YOURSELF!!!! Essential Oil University CLARIFICATION REGARDING LEMON OIL JASMINE ABSOLUTE: People seem to be twisting what I say when it comes to these posts about false teachings concerning essential oils. First let me say, whenever I post something, I hope that you will just read what I post and not try to read anything else into it beyond what is stated. Regarding the jasmine absolute post, the purpose of the post was to get people to see that there is no such thing as steam distilled Jasmine Essential Oil on the market, to understand that its a solvent extracted product and companies listing the product as Jasmine Essential Oil are really mislabeling the product. This does not mean that Jasmine Absolute is not therapeutically beneficial if its extracted properly. If a trace amount of ethanol is in the absolute that is expected and completely safe. People have some concerns about hexane but I just want to state that any company who has me analyze their oils would not have purchased a Jasmine absolute that has hexane in it. So please, stop the spread of panic, I am not trying to get people to be scared of using absolutes, just to understand the difference between an absolute and an essential oil, that was the only purpose of the post on jasmine. In the case of lemon oil, I was not trying to tell anyone they should not put a drop of lemon or peppermint or whatever essential oil into their water. Heck I use a drop of peppermint in a tall glass of water on occasion myself. The point of the post was simply to say that using lemon oil to dissolve a styrofoam cup and somehow correlate that to the lemon oil detoxifying your body of petrochemicals is not a sound demonstration from a scientific perspective. If you want to say it works because its magic then by all means I cannot argue with that and we are all free to believe in magic if it makes us feel better. But if you want to use science to promote false information then thats when I have to step in and say hold on here, lets look at this logically. Furtheremore, I am not here to tell ANYONE how they should use the oils and I really wish people would stop asking me how they should do this or that. Its not my place to do that. Just because I point out bad explanations in the marketplace that are not scientifically sound does not obligate me to tell anyone how to use the oil the proper way. It would be silly, for liability reasons alone, for me to tell anyone how to use an oil, even if I wanted to do that (and I dont). Everyone has a responsibility to educate themselves, all I am doing is pointing out some places where there is misinformation. Many people get mad at me for doing this because it causes them to have to deal with things that affects their profitability, downlines, etc. People seem to be willfully ignorant when its financially expedient for them to do so and even when you put up scientific logic and fact against what they are teaching they still refuse to believe it, this is what I have a hard time with. But before you dismiss what I am saying versus what someone else might be saying I would encourage you to think about one simple fact. I get absolutely nothing for sharing the knowledge that I share here, in fact it causes me some problems from time to time because what I expose can cause significant conflicts. But I dont think about these conflicts because science is what I have dedicated my life to. Someone previously asked me something to the effect of What is your truth on the proper use? Question like these make my head explode. Science is not my truth or your truth or someone elses truth, its simply the truth, it holds for all of us and it NEVER discriminates, it is the universal truth. At the end of the day each of us has to make a decision, do we want to teach the truth about essential oils or do we just want a good marking line?
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 16:41:35 +0000

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