THIS IS JUST A SMALL BIT OF INFORMATION & KNOWLEDGE OF HEMP & CANNABIS AND HOW IT IS AMERICAS SAVIOR AS WELL AS HUMANS!!! I WOULD STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU READ ALL OF THIS AND THEN PLEASE SHARE THIS KNOWLEDGE WITH EVERYONE!!!!!!!! Only by the legalization of Industrial Hemp and its removal from Schedule 1 of The Controlled Substance Act, can we start working immediately towards the one thing that can save humankind from itself.[110th Congress] America would have a cleaner fuel and energy source, we would dispose of nuclear waste more efficiently, wed create cars that could reduce traffic fatalities and are completely biodegradable, wed have a paper product that can be recycled up to 8 times, instead of just 3 times, wed reduce deforestation by 50 percent nationwide and eventually, worldwide, wed have an endless supply of food products, livestock bedding, livestock feed and the benefits of the endless nutritional facts backing hemp. imagine roads, freeways and highways that wouldnt require monthly repairs and endless taxpayer dollars, preventing landslides and improving our farming industry by using hem, as a crop rotator, having an estimated 50,000 industrial bio-degradable products, and regarding medicinal marijuana, having over 250 medicinal uses that could ease the suffering of so many people who simply can’t afford the proper care, or treatment. The facts and history of hemp show boldly how important it is to humankind that we should all support hemps production and usage for our countries economical and health related benefits. With the debate of global warming over and as I like to call it, “dramatic global climate change” fast approaching we need someone, or something to save us from humankinds destination. There are many facts and products that haven’t been discussed here and there is so much more relating to the history and benefits of the hemp plant for humankind. Only with relentless and patient education and constant communication can society overcome the propaganda and misperception surrounding the hemp plant. These fallacies have masked the history and extraordinary uses and benefits of the hemp plant. We, as a society, must continue learning and teaching others about the hemp plant and we must always network what we learn to others. If youve learned something from reading this article that you hadnt known before you can help by spreading this knowledge of hemp to anyone and everyone. Can you imagine the gold mine waiting in everyones backyards, or empty fields, or, those thousands of acres of unused land nationwide, or along the sides of our freeways and highways? The hemp plant is humankinds savior and the more society knows, the sooner we can put into action what we have learned and the better off our future generations will be. There are an estimated 50,000 industrial uses that can benefit every aspect of our daily lives from this one humble and misunderstood plant, and the facts cant be denied any longer. I think I see a light at the end of this long, dark tunnel. So remember to Seek the facts, Confront the truth, and Pass it on. EDUCATE. LEGALIZE. MEDICATE. CURE THE EARTH AND MANKIND FROM THE TOXIC WORLD!!!
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 06:50:25 +0000

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